About the pumpkin-show


I have journalism right now but I'm finished with everything that I have to do. So, I figured that I can take this hour to tell you some things that you might wonder about.

First of all, the pumpkinshow. It's kind of a festival here in Versailles and it's a huge deal for everyone that I've met here so far. Everyone is so excited, at least at my school. 

What you really do is that you walk around in a cirkels and meet your friends, buy food (corndogs mmmmm, elephant-ears, carmel-apples, funny-cakes or something like that, porkburgers, lemon shake-ups and much more), ride rides and just having a good time. I really enjoy it, and yesterday I had so much fun. 

As I said, you just walk around. I don't really know why I like it cause it's nothing like home. I mean, Liseberg and all that is HUGE according to pumpkinshow. But at this festival or whatever there are also some "happenings" during the days. The picture I uploaded yesterday was from the King and Queen contest for example. There has also been other things like pie-eating contest, performances and more. Today there'll be a talent-show and all the seniors will ride the "mary-go-ride" together. This is things that I wouldn't experience in Sweden. Mary-go-round is a ride for 5 year old little kids, but I think that's kind of the charm with it. (Det är en karusell med hästar some åker runt och runt ni vet).

I have met some new friends too, which I love. Everyone back home who knows me knows that I love to meet new people and be social and stuff like that. That's why yesterday was so good!

I've took a lot of pictures so when this weekend is over I'll show you. I might upload some of them when I come home today too. If your lucky this raining Friday, haha. Because it's raining here, unfortunately.

What else? Dad, you asked me if I talk a lot with my friends back home. And, I don't really do that. I know that a lot of you read my blog though (I have about 100 unik readers everyday now) and some of my friends e-mail me from time to time.

I'm so glad that I did this. I have been homesick once, and just felt like everything is better back home. But I've never wanted to go home. There's actually a difference. I'm so glad that I have the hostfamily that I have, and that Klara is my hostsister. I'm also lucky to have so helping and caring friends here around me, because what if no one would care at all? What if everyone acted all bitchy about new students coming to their school? That would be so hard.

Okey, enough for this period. I'll keep you guys updated as good as I can the rest of this week. And I hope ya'll have a great weekend. Hugs! ♥


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