
Snabbt svar till pappa: Jag vet att jag kan ha blixten men vill inte ha den blanka, inklippta kanslan, you know.

I'm at school right now, one lesson left. After this we're going home or to Walmart. Hopefully Walmart! I have to look at some iPods, nail-and hair stuff. We also have some homework today, cause we have history-test tomorrow. We'll see if I study for that. I feel like I have to, kind of, because I havn't payed that much attention to the lessons and I actually don't know much at all about this chapter. But we'll see.

Tomorrow we'll get our midterms, which is our grade for the first half of 9 weeks. The schoolyear is divided in 9 week-terms and the half time of that is called "the midterms". We can check this online, so mom and dad, if you want to I might (!!!) give you the adress and pass for that site.

It's time to go now! Talk to you when I'm home again. Bye! ♥

Postat av: Gustav

No, we don't care about you midterms... Just kidding, yes please, give us the code pls!!!! Please, please, PLEASE!!!

2011-09-14 @ 22:56:53

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