Another swedish question

All American readers, I'll continue my blog in english after this post! ♥

om Svarar på lite frågor på svenska:

Hur blir det ifall du vill träffa någon kille? Man har ju hört att USA är rätt strängt, men skulle dufå sova över hoss en grabb tror du?

Ps, grym blogg <3

Enkelt sagt, nej. USA ar stanga gallande en pojke och en flicka tillsammans utan att vara ett par sa att saga. Det ar verkar ovanligt att man umgas bara med en kille om man inte ar tillsammans med honom. Detta ar en omvaxling for mig. Igar eller om det var i forrgar hade jag en kille over hemma hos oss vilket jag hade fragat dagen innan och det var okej. Vi satt och at ute i koket och sen gick vi in pa mitt rum och bara pratade. Jag lamnade dorren pa glant men inte vidoppen.

Nar min vardmamma kommer hem och efter att killen har akt pratar hon med mig. Hon sager att hon absolut inte tror att jag gar och har sex med honom helt random, men sa att jag ska vara forsiktig med att vara ensam i mitt rum med en kille. Hon berattar att gamla traditioner haller i sig for att forr i tiden sa var man aldrig ensam med en kille sadar, ALDRIG. Haha! Men hon sa att det var ingen fara, men att jag nasta gang ska lamna dorren helt oppen sa att alla som passerar kunde se in.

I Sverige tar jag hem killar hela tiden och vi ar alltid i mitt rum. Jag aker aven hem till killar och sover borta med stangda dorrar, haha... Tror manga i Sverige kanner igen sig i detta och jag berattade for vardmamman att jag kan sova i samma sang som en kille utan att det betyder nagot. Hon tyckte det var annorlunda men forstod kulturskillnaden. Men i USA sa gor man inte det. Allt storre chock var att killen smsade och skrev nagot i stil med "att vi bara kunde vara i ditt rum och prata, det var haftigt enligt mig". Hade en kille skrivit sa i Sverige hade jag skrattat sa hogt. For det hander liksom inte, man tar det for givet.

Sa svaret pa din fraga om jag skulle fa sova over hos en kille blir nog nej. Jag ar inte saker, men salange det bara ar min kompis och det bara ar vi tva kanns det tveksamt. Anda sager man att USA ar landet av frihet men jag har da aldrig stott pa sa mycket regler. Inte bara gallande detta, utan i skolan, i vardagen, alltid. Jag vet inte om det ar mer regler, eller om det bara ar det att jag ar van vid andra regler. Kanske tycker en amerikan att vi har mycket regler, det vagar jag inte svara pa. Egentligen borde jag saga att USA har valdigt annorlunda regler om man jamfor med Sverige. Inte for att det drabbar mig speciellt mycket, men det ar en skillnad. Det ar ju darfor jag ar har i och for sig, for att se skillnader. Sa tolka det inte detta negativt. For vissa saker brister sakert vi i Sverige pa, och andra brister USA. Detta med killar och tjejer som kompisar, det ar en bristfaktor i USA enligt mig.


Svarar på lite frågor på svenska


Detta är ursprungligen ett mail till en kompis, men jag tog bort lite (censuuuur, hur känns det?) och mailet skrevs i skolan vilket gjorde att jag inte hade å, ä och ö. But enjoy!!
Alla vill traffa oss hela tiden, kora hem oss fran skolan, ta med oss hit och dit och vi sager ja till allt. Kanns som ett helt nytt liv.

Jag tankte dratt detta pa engelska da jag inte har a och o med prickar, men du far det pa svenska anda. Vet inte varfor. Kanner faktiskt att engelskan gar ratt bra och jag har redan blivit battre. Dock at jag langt ifran perfekt fortfarande, vilket inte ar sa konstigt med tanke pa att jag bara varit har i ca 3 veckor.

Skolan ar valdigt annorlunda. Den stora, konstiga skillnaden ar att man maste vanta tills skolklockan ringer innan man far ga ut fran klassrummet. Ibland slutar lektionen tidigare och da sitter alla och pratar inne i salen, vilket for mig ar dumt. Jag menar, vad gor det om folk ar i korridoren istallet. Enda nackdelen ar att det hors, men den nakdelen ar inte tillrackligt stark. Nar du ska ga pa toa maste du be om lov, lamna in din kalender for underskrift och satta pa dig en orange vast. Vad ar det egenligen haha. Men men, amerika ar landet av frihet och absolut inga regler....eller?

Mobiltelefon ar totalt forbjudet, aven pa rasterna. Lunchen far vi betala for och aven vissa bocker. Varje dag ar identisk med exakt samma lektioner fran 8-3.

Jag har mangder med vanner, och det ar underbart. Man marker direkt vilka som gor "droger" och vilka som ar "bra". Det ar extremt mycket droger har alltsa. 

Angaende foto, jag ar faktiskt i en klass kallad "digital design" dar vi jobbar i bland annat Adobe Illustrator och Photoshop. Just nu haller vi pa med Illustrator och trots att jag aldrig har anvant det programet, plus har lite problem med spraket sa ar jag en av de basta. Herregud alltsa, ibland undrar man. Och igar var jag sa trott sa jag somnade mellan varje instruktion, jag hann SOMNA. Da forstar du hur troja vissa ar hahaha. Langtar tills vi startar photoshop-lektionerna. 

Staden ar valdigt liten men det ar okej eftersom jag har sa manga vanner. Alla har bil och det ar alltid folk hos oss. Ar det inte det ar Tracy/Klara hemma och underhaller mig.

Jag har planer pa att aka bade till New York och Chicago. Kanske blir fler turer, forhoppningsvis. Inte hunnit kolla allt det an. Chicago ska jag, Klara och Tracy aka till, medan New York aker jag med min journalis-klass. Dar ar aven en av de roligaste vannerna. Eller, hon ar lik mig. Inte bara att hon och jag ar de langa blonda (enda langa i skolan), utan aven i sattet. Ska bli kul att lara kanna henne battre, for jag har bara varit med henne en gang.

Vissa klasser ar sa enkla. Men historian ar svar. Histoia och engelska, detta enbart for att jag inte ar flytande i spraket och for att jag inte har last amerikansk historia. Jag tanker heller inte ge det speciellt mycket tid, for det orkar jag inte. Detta aret ar mitt ar och jag ska NJUTA mig igenom det.

Det ar en del som fragar om killar. Jag har hittills hittat en som ar saaaaaaaaaaaaa snygg! Men jag har slappt honom for jag fick veta att han ar 26, gift och har barn. Besviken!!

Världens bästa godis

This weekend

On our way to subway (Austin, Klara, me)
Maegan and I jumping from the bridge in our pond
Some of my friends and me
Caleb and Candice (my hostmoms two kinds)
Maegan and I

Jessica, Sidney and Kaithlyn
Me, Morgan and Klara

Sidney and Jessica

Good night

I'm going to spend rest of the evening with Caleb and Klara. After that it's time to sleep. Guess I will be tired tomorrow also.

In school

Hi my lovely readers!

Right now I'm sitting in the study hall classroom and I'm trying to translate hard english words that are our homework. It's going good I think, and I'm soon finished. After that I have history, which isn't too fun. It's a bit hard because we haven't read about the American history in my school back in Sweden. Plus the words are hard to understand sometimes, so I just focus on knowing the meaning/summery of it.

Can't write more now, got to go. I'll talk to you later today. And a note to myself: go to sleep early tonight!!!!! I fell asleep (for short moments) in English, History and Digital Design today. That is bad....

Another quick update

Good morning!

New school week again. I am so tired and just want to go back to sleep. Tried to update yesterday a couple of times, but it didn't work. Don't ask why! I'll try with more pictures today after school again.

I'm in a hurry so I have to go! Enjoy your day!! ♥

Me, Maegan and Candice

Pic from yesterday

I really have to take a qiuck nap. I'm so tired. I have 20 minuties from now, goodnight! When I wake up we'll go to a cheercompetition. Talk to you either tonight or tomorrow. Hugs!

Quick update

Hey guys!

Just making an update real quick. So far today we've been with Austin, Devin and another girl. We ate at subway, or Devin and I did. The others ate at tacobell. After that we went home and we went swimming in the pond. That was a lot of fun. Right now we have nothing to do so we are just taking some pictures os no reason.

I'll give you a lot of them later. Got to go now, hugs!

Two pictures from last night

Sea doo

Here comes the pictures you all have been waiting for. I have a pink bikini, Klara has a purple, Caleb has white shorts and Zeth Black. Hope that helps you see who everyone are. Cause I don't have the energy for writing underneth all the pictures who's in them. Have a great day, I'll go and eat breakfast now.


Plans for the weekend

Hi sweeties!

Now the weekend is here and it is filled with plans. Everyday! We had about 6 plans for these 2 days, but we declined almost all of them. That sucks!!

Anyway, today we are going to the fotballgame with a lot of friends. Then Candice and Maegan will come and we are going to spend time with them tonight and tomorrow. Later tomorrow we'll go and eat subway with two other friends from school. In the evening I guess we are going to spend more time with C & M, or I might meet up another friend.

What else, Sunday is churchday and after that we'll spend time with Tracy & Gregs families and in the evening if there's time me, Klara and Megan are going to a cheerleading competition.

My blogserver is very slow today, but I'll do my best to publish those Jetski pictures. Have a great night (Sweden), and an awesome afternoon to America.

Megan today
Today's cupcakes. A lot of candy and cookis/cakes are a lot better here. Hate to confess it though, but they can't beat our milkchocolate...

#3 pics from Friday

Our cheerleaders
My new friend Megan's birthdaycake
Me and Klara in the schools newspaper

Random about today


Another schoolday completed. I have homework, history! American history, reading. I'm ok with an C, but not worse than that. I have to get approved...

Today after school me, Klara and Cody went to buy icecream. I have to tell you that the icecream over here is much cheaper and much better. I just love it! Then we went home and ate poptarts.

The called from a modelagency today by the way. I don't know what to do about that, but it seems like fun! They'll talk to Tracy about it maybe this evening, or tomorrow, so I'll let you all know after that what happens.

Back from walmart

We stayed for too long at Walmart. I got my memorystick for school, and 2 shirts. We also got a lots of food, like more poptards, Klaras favourite candy (whitch is about to be mine too), and a really good sausage for our sandwiches. Now it's time for me to go and brush my teeth and all that boring stuff. I give you one picture today, and you'll get the rest of them tomorrow. Sleep well America/good morning Sweden!

Zeth and Klara the other day

Happiness and senior

Guess what I just found? Candy! My favourite, ROLLO. I forgot about them!

School is getting better and better. It's easier to understand now and everything's more fun with all the new friends. Our lessions includes less facts and homeworks than home, but sometimes it feels difficult cause I don't know the harder words. But when the language is even better, the school will get easier. It's not too difficult now though, which is good.

And by the way!!! I became a senior today, instead of junior. This means that I'll graduate, go on senior meetings, and get their privileges, whitchever those are. It's just awesome! Big thanks to Tracy ♥

Pictures from or jetski-trip is on their way. I'll try to publish them before we go to Walmart, and if I don't manage that, you'll get them tonight (and in your morning).

Me and Klara for about one week ago. I've lost all my color now though :(

Best day so far

Have been a long day today, a great day!! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, now I have to try to get some sleep. It's school tomorrow and my bell rings 6:20. Goodnight!!

Good night/morning

Tonight we have been eaten all fried. Like a fried dinner, which included fried fish, fried some kind of cucumber, fried cheese and potatoes with a lot of cheese and bacon. All american!

After that we just sat here talking, laughing and had a good time. Now I'm getting ready for the bed, and there I'll watch a movie before I go to sleep.

I'll talk to you tomorrow again. Have a good day. Guess you'll see this in the morning.

I have to take a nap

Mmmm! I'm sitting here and eating Swedish chocolate, makes me feel like home. But the best flavored one is gone now, and it's all my fault :( .

Anyways, I'm just came home from school. What a day, it has been so good and so boring. The first peiod is english and I was so close to fall asleap. We are supposed to be reading the last 20 minutes of the class, and I could barely hold my eyes oped. After that it got better though, and in the the last peroid were just laugh for one hour. But I guess I'm still tired, or at least I look tired (according to Tracy).

I'm going for a nap now. Or, after some more sweets. We eat so unhealthy over here comparing to back home. And by the way, after lunch (in school) we are not allowed to walk around in the hallways, so we have to go to the gym. And walking in there is like walking in to an american movie. I mean, if you've ever seen the part from a high school movie where everyone is sitting on the bleachers (in the gym), It's exactlly like that! A lot of people, a lot of noice and everyone's looking at you. Or, at least it feels like that.

Have a great evening! I'll try to make one more post today (and I'll try to make at least 2 posts a day from now on). Hugs!


I'm in school now. 15 minutes left and I am sooo bored!! Anyways, this weekend was nice. We did a lot of fun things and met new friends. Sunday wasn't that fun though. I was so tired and had to go to church. Me and Tracy almost fell asleap, and then when we got home we took a nap. But I couldn't sleep for a long time, cause Caleb came and we hang out with him instead of sleeping.

I will tell u guys more when I come home. And please ask me something if you have a question, and I'll answer it..

The other day

Good morning

Yesterday was a lot of fun! Football is a fun sport and everyone that I met in Milan (the town where the game was) much fun too.

Then we drove to our place and swimmed in the pond. After that, we watched a movie, or they did. I fell a sleep actually. I was soo tired after one week in school and a long night.

Right now, I'm awake and hungry. So I'll go up and say hi to the others, and then eat breakfast. Here are some pictures from yesterday.

Stacie & Brianne


Right now I'm eating poptard, whitch is a popular kind of cookie here in America. It is really good and so far, this is my favourite flavour. We eat so unhealthy here. If I keep eating this much, and being lazy, be drived everywhere and don't walk more then 100 m a day I'll get fat or something. But, I only have one year in America (or, might be more) and I want to try EVERYTHING.

Over and out! Now I have to leave (fotball game)!

This post will be in swedish

Kör ett inlägg på svenska nu!

Okej, nu ska jag berätta..ALLT.

Jag bor på i en liten by i Indiana. Jag lever bland majsplantage och vår trädgård är enorm. Detta var jag skeptisk till när jag först skulle åka, men jag måste erkänna att allt känns hur bra som helst.

Det är inte ovanligt att se traktorer komma åkanders på gatorna. Det är heller inte ovanligt att ha "hunting" som fritidsintesse. Skolan är väldigt annorlunda. Det handlar om identiska dagar (dvs, 7 lektioner, exakt samma varje dag, från 8-3 med lunch mitt på dagen som man själv får betala för (2.15 $/dag). Om en lektion slutar tidigare är du tvungen att sitta kvar och vänta tills klockan ringer. Sen har du 4 minuters rast tills du ska vara innanför dörren till nästa klassrum och där emellan så ska du få upp skåpet (vilket är väldigt svårt), hämta böckerna, hitta nästa klassrum (skolan är ganska liten dock) och om du ska gå på toa så får du verkligen stressa. Plus att alla slutar sina lektioner samtidigt (vilket är rätt wierd).

Jag skulle skriva mycket, men saken är den att jag ska iväg nu (säger ju att jag inte har tid och blogga). Ska duscha och sen ska jag iväg på American Fotball som är på en annan skola. Vår skola är inte överdrivet glad att vi går och ger support till grannskolan, haha. Jaja, det kommer bli grymt!


What do you think?

I got to comments today. I'd like to know what you guys think and that's why a brought that up. One of the comments says "Just have to tell you that your blog is nowadays more boring than when you lived home (in Sweden)", and the other one says the opposite.

I know that I don't do very much bloging. But 4 real, I don't have the time to it. I don't have pictures and inspiration either. Sorry about that!

Tonight I'm going to a soccer game at our school. Might take some pictures, you never know. TTYL


Hi dear blog!

At first, I'm so sorry for my bad updating here. Back home, I used to write about 3-5 posts everyday. Over here, I'll do it whenever I have time. I go to school from 8 am - 3 pm every weekday and after that I've been so tired. Today, I feel the opposite though!!

After school I'm going to check out the basketball-team again. I did that yesterday too and it was kind of nice.

You'll here from me later. Right now I have to do some other thing. Btw, I've quited the art-class, now I'll have "study hall" instead (which is like "eget arbete/tid for laxor" for my swedish readers).

Kind of scary

Today I've been to school. It was okay, start to like it more I think, or some pars of it. It is very different, some parts might be better and some of them not.

Anyway, lets talk about something more interesting. Somthing that we don't really do in Sweden.. I just were out shoting. Like shoting with a gun!! It was very scary, but fun. It made me think about all the wars where they are shoting people, not bottles. That is scary! I imagine myself out in the war, I would be scared to death. But, I did good I think. I shoted 4 times and hitted the bottles all the time.

First schoolday - completed

It was....okay. School will always be school, but it is different from home. It's excactlly like in the movies. The school-bell is ringing when the school starts and ends and you have 4 minutes break to get your stuff in the locker. The lockers are by the whay very hard to open. I can't really do them...

Anyways, everyone was stareing today. We god a lot of attention and I kind of liked that. We got some new friends but we'll get more by the end of this week.

Now a women from EF just came so we have to talk to her. I'll write more in a minute.

First school-day


Right now I'm sitting by the tabel and eating breakfast. We have bought darker bread for me and Klara, because the other ones were way too white. Anyways, today is the first school-day and I'm am not excited for it. Or, I kind of am, but I don't like to get up this early.

School will be from 8-3 everyday. And everyday is the same, the classes in the same order and with the same teachers.

I have to stop now. Have to make myself very pretty for the first day!! Haha..

Church is like...

Hi everybody!!

Today we've been to church. That was kind of different, but I liked it. Or, the church-part when the pastor is reading things and you listen wasn't very exciting but the singing-part and the eating-part was awesome. I loved to hear everyone singing, it was laud and good. The eating were nice too, of course.

The "reading-part" was a lot different from the Swedish one. The man who was talking in the front were so laud, he screem and walk around in the front. You also keep hearing people from the "public", the ones' who listens saying in the middle of it either "amen", or "yeah" or something like that. Wierd! But, it was okay. I'll not get bored doing this for one year.

Here are some pictures from the last two days. One from the mall yesterday, the one with the bikes from 2 days ago, and the ice-cream from yesterday too.

13 August

Good morning!

Yesterday we were home alone because both Greg and Tracy were working. Then Caleb came (Tracys son) and we had a lot of fun I think.

In the evening we were riding bikes and taking pictures. I let you see two of them in the end of this post.

Today we are going shopping. It will be a lot of fun and I will also get an American phone. I feel way lost without it.

Talk to you later, hugs!

My room

So, I promised to show you my room as well. In the end of this post you get some pictures of it.

Tonight, I'm going out with Klara and some other girls. I don't know them yet, but after today I will. I'm so excited! I don't really know what we are doing, maybe we are going out and eat something I guess. But I'm not sure, I'll let you know tomorrow.

Have an awesome evening, and for you guys in Sweden, have an awesome night.

To my new readers

Hi again everyone!

I've seen by the statistic function that my blog is more popular now when I'm in USA. And for you guys that are new I want you to know the basics.

I am in the States and will be for one year. My house is in Versailles - Indiana and it is the countryside of USA. I like it here so far, my host-family is the best I could ever wish for. I have been to school once and it seemed nice also. I have wanted to do this for a long time, I think from the first time I heard you could do this kind of thing. Now it's happening, now it's my turn to show America what Sweden is like and how blond and blue-eyed everyone in my homecountry are. Just kidding, but yeah, this year will be my year. My exchange year!

Hope that maked the basics clear for my new readers. I also want to welcome you, and don't hesitate to ask if you have some questions.

Pictures of my house

Hi! I've been out takeing some pictures of the house so you can see how I live. I'll show you my room soon as well.

The dog (don't know how to spell his name though)
Their pond
My new home
The huge yard, it's can't even see the end of it

Just so you know

Hi again!

Just so you know, when I blogged in Sweden I always, or almost always read everything once again before publishing it. Here I don't do that, so if you see something strange, just don't bather.

That was all for this update. I have to get some pictures soon, but I don't have them yet. HUGS!


I got a question about my rules here in my host-family. My host-family wants me to know everything, all the diffrencis and that kind of stuff so they have been trying to explain everything about that. They are so kind and sweet and loves to have people over and have like an open house. There are a lot of people comming here all the time and by that they can't us to treat this home as it is ours. Like out own home! They want us to ask the people we bring here if they want something to drink or if they are hungry. A lot of friends that are comming here are going to the refrigerator and just make a drink or what else they want.

About the time when I have to be home I think it's midnight. I don't know for sure though, but I think it depends.

I hope you got your answer, and if not. Don't hesitate to ask again!

Time to get to sleep

I'm really tired. I have to go to sleap, but first I have to brush my teeth. Isn't that very boring?

Can't keep you more updated, havn't got that much to say. But, I like it here. Today both Carson and Carleb came over (Gregs son Carson and Tracys son Carleb). They're both very funny I think. Carson is so cute, like really, really cute. He's only 6 years old I think, and he's got this awesome American accent and I feel quite bad that a 6 years old little boy speaks so good and I don't. It's not often that happens in Sweden! But, I could also be scared if I was better than him at it.

Enough talking about that now. I have to go and brush my teeth. Talk to you tomorrow again.

Day 1

Hi guys!

I'm sitting outside in this great weather. Today we've been doing nothing but I liked that. I'm quit tired right now. I just went outside and it's so nice. The weather is perfect and my host family's got this huge garden where you can't even see the end of it.

I really don't know what you want to hear. I'm trying to do my best with the updateing, but I don't feel inspired. Is it something you are wondering about? I can take a lot of pictures later, because these days I just want to get to know everything, get the routines and just speak with everyone. I feel lost sometimes because of the language, but not very. They think I'm really good, but I can't say everything that I want really. It's hard, much more easy to understand.

I have to stop now! Enjoy your night, we are 6 hours after you.

I'm in my new home

Okay guys! You are all begging for an update, so here you get a fast one.

As you may know will all my blogging be in English this year. That will make me practice even more, and I find that perfect.

Right now I'm in my bed, in my new room and just woke up after 12 hours sleep. I love my new room and my biiig bed! LOVE!

Today I don't know what we will be doing. I just know I have to unpack all my things. I have two big and heavy bags with me. When I landed at the last airport I didn't get the laguage, but it came with the next one so I have it now. Hate when you don't get the laguage.

Ok, that was all for now. I have to go up and see what everyone is doing :) HUGS!

Sista dagen i Sverige

Det är helt sjukt! Imon, IMON åker jag. När jag vaknar nästa gång åker jag till USA i ett år. Det är så konstigt, otroligt och helt underbart. Kan inte fatta det!

Dagens outfit

Shorts och skjorta - Zara, skärp - Rhodos, halsband - Raglady (fick jag igår av min underbaraste Julia)

Precis innan avresa

Tom, helt tom. Tom på de ord som tidigare sades så självklara. Det handlar inte om vad jag ska skriva här, utan vad jag egentligen känner. Jag brukar vistas i en atmosfär av okänslighet men idag gick det inte. Jag är så ledsen! Jag har nu sagt hejdå till mina kompisar och min släkt. Det får mig och tänka på avskedet med familjen. Mer behöver jag inte skriva.

Jag har haft två jättebra dagar med alla jag verkligen tycker om. Ni är underbara, helt fantastiska, godhjärtade och fyllda med kärlek. Ord kan aldrig någonsin beskriva varje av mina vänners olika personligheter i ett blogginlägg. Undra om en bok hade räckt? Åh vad ni är bra.

Världens bästa tjejer

Igår sa jag hejdå till mina bästa vänner. Först hade jag middag för de närmsta tjejerna och det var helt underbart. Herregud va ni är bra tjejer, helt otroliga, allihoppa! Sen kom lite fler människor och sa hejdå till mig. En riktigt lyckad kväll, jag hade så kul. Och vad jag har hört så hade ni också det.

Nu ska jag byta om för snart kommer släkten. Stor kram bloggen! Och ja, uppdateringen får lida lite nu! Ha det underbart så hörs vi snart! ♥


Tänkte bara säga att jag har landat och är hemma. Har massor med saker att fixa och mina 3 sista dagar i Sverige kommer förmodligen inte spenderas överdrivet mycket vid datorn. Dock lovar jag några inlägg under dagarna ändå.

Kram! ♥

Den gamla staden Ronda

I förrgår var vi i Ronda. Det är en liten, mysig och gammal stad här i Spanien. Den ligger ungefär 7 mil ifrån Marbella där vi bor. Den är placerad långt upp i bergen vilket gjorde mig väldigt åksjuk och om det var värt det eller inte är svårt att svara på. Vi hade nog för lite tid där.

Lille Erik

Jag och pappi


Erik och jag med den mysiga byn i bakgrunden. Dock skymmer vi vägen/gränden som är gammaldags vilket ni också kan se på kullerstenen på marken.

En outfit från dagarna i Spanien

Shorts från Zara och topp från USA, örhängen från Accessorize

Idag är det min dag!

00:48 kom lille jag till jorden. Idag är jag jätteglad och ska sola heeela dagen och sen drar vi ut på kvällen. I övrigt firas min födelsedag mer när vi kommer hem till Sverige. (Har tidsinställt inlägg under dagen).


Thank God It's Friday! Underbar restaurang med otroligt god mat. Har ni mot förmodan inte varit där, gå dit. Vi var där för några dagar sedan, här kommer bilder.

Hur söt?

Outfit i Ronda 2/8


Godmorgon bloggen!

Sitter och käkar frukost och hinner bara med ett snabbt inlägg för vi ska hinna med lite saker innan vi går ner till stranden. Och när jag ligger på stranden är det ända jag tänker på USA. Det är sjukt, snart, snart, snart är jag där och ska stanna ett år. Det väcker både glada och lite nervösa tankar, men mest glada. Jag har inte hunnit bli nervös än och jag tror inte jag blir det förrän jag har hämtat bagaget på sista flygplatsen i USA och ska passera utgången med medvetande om att min nya familj står där och väntar med en lapp där mitt namn är nedskrivet.

Nu vet ni lite hur jag känner och självklart tänker jag på mycket annat som kan hända under året. Åh vad spännande!

Med de orden skrivna avslutar jag detta inlägget och bjuder på en dagens outfit bild för några dagar sen (på Gibraltar). Kram! ♥

Mysig restaurang

I förrgår åt vi på en väldigt mysig indisk restaurang. Jättetrevligt och framför allt gott. Kan också passa på att skriva, i stor brist på annat, att min födelsedag är om två dagar (den 4:e). Inte långt kvar nu, men tror tyvärr inte att den firas här. Har inte så mycket mer att skriva nu, så ha en fin dag bloggläsare, så hörs vi snart igen.



Idag har vi besökt Gibraltar. Det är en engelsk koloni i form av en hög klippa/berg som ligger här i Spanien. På klippan kan man även se Marocko, alltså Afrika. Ganska häftigt att ha varit på Gibraltar men inget ställe jag skulle vilja besöka flera gånger. Det räcker med en. Här kommer lite svartvita bilder från dagen. Det är ju trots allt mycket historia bakom denna klippa så varför inte få lite inlevelse genom att ta bort färgfunktionen i kameran? Okej, det var inte så jag tänkte, men vi kan ju lossas det.

Dagens outfit 31/7

Topp från H&M och halsband från Turkiet

Grattis Agnes

Idag fyller världens bästa Agnes år! Hoppas du läser detta, för det är här jag visar min kärlek till dig förstår du. Nej men Agnes, du är underbar! Håll utkik på talkbox idag du, för där kommer nog din önskan gå i uppfyllelse. Fast vem vet som sagt, kanske har du inte varit snäll i år?

Massa kramar, vi ses så fort jag kommer hem. Kommer bli en GRYM kväll.

Jag och Agnes första året vi kände varandra, dvs vi var runt 14? Konfirmationsåret :-)

Riktigt molnigt

Godmorgon bloggen!

Jag har precis ätit frukost och sitter nu i internet-rummet. Vi har ju som sagt inget internet på rummet, eller ytterst dåligt så får gå ner en våning för att få bättre.

Idag är det extremt molnigt ute och på gränsen till regn. Det regnade faktiskt lite igår på kvällen. Snacka om att det kom som en chock med tanke på att det hade varit upp emot 30° på eftermiddagen.

Planerna för dagen verkar vara att åka till Gibraltar. Dit åkte vi en annan gång men när vi kom fram behövdes pass visas, vilka vi inte hade med. Så det var bara att vända. Snacka om att jag och Erik var trötta på att åka bil efter det. Därför är vi tveksamma på att åka dit idag med, på grund av bilåkningen. Även om vi denna gången kommer in. Vi får se hur det blir.

Tidsinställer som vanligt dagens outfit sen får vi se om det kanske dyker upp nått mer inlägg idag. Ha en fin dag och njut! Hört att vädret i Sverige är bra, vilket jag är mindre glad för.

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