
Äntligen!!!!!! Nu går vi på lov här. 2 dagar. Det där med närvaro är så extremt viktigt här så två dagar kommer kännas som evigheter! Jag är taggad till tusen. I köket står Robin och bakar. Det är underbara bakelser, cheesecake, dirtcake (omg soooo excited), pumpkinpies and more. I really cant wait to eat all of this.

Thanksgiving is the most busy holiday regard traffic. A lot of familymember decide to get together, and come home. I don't know why I started this post in Swedish, but it didn't feel right so I'm continuing in english.

So, have fun in school everyone. And by the way, if you miss like 6 days without an excuse (sick is not an excuse when you don't have a signature from a doctor) you will get expelled. And I don't get the point of that, because obviousally when you are absent you are either just sick of school, or actually have an excuse (like beeing sick). And if you want to miss school, something like expelling you would just make your life better since that is what you actually want. And if you have a reason, like you actually couldn't get out of bed or something, missing more days will make it harder for you to make up for your work. I think the punishment should be the opposite, like the people have to either be in school longer. In that case people that missed on perpose will see that's it's not worth it, and the people that were sick can make up for what they've missed.

I have no idea why I just wrote all that about it. But sometimes, things just hit me. This time it was about getting expelled.

I wish everyone a great evening. I will probably not make more posts for today but I'll try to tomorrow again. Hugs!!!

Postat av: Jennie

Haha, kul att du börjar på svenska och så mitt i en mening byter till engelska:P Har du drömt på engelska än?

2011-11-24 @ 15:38:10

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