This is why

We have no internet back home anymore, so that's why I havn't been able to give you updates.

I am in school right now, having journalism. I found some pictures that I think you'd like to see so I'll post them too. 

This weekend, Luke and Justin was here and we had a lot of fun. We hanged out at grandmas, home and we also went to a babyshower. We spent most of the time with our family here this weekend though.

The babyshower was a new experience for me. It's a friend from school who's pregnant. Yeah, from high school, so it's almost like "16 years and pregnant" on MTV. No, not really, but she's a senior here in school (my age).

Well, I have to go now. I'll try to give you another update my last period (2-3 american time/20-21 swedish). If you want to skype with me you have to log on that time. I think I'll be able to, not 100 % yet, but I might. Hopefully!!

Pumpkin Show candidate walkthrough

Jessica and I (she has my clothes, and I have her's)

Our journalism-class


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