Today's outfit

Todays outfit
I really dont have anything to write about. But today in school, I didn't do anything. And last period, I skyped with my parents. It was fun as always, exept for that it was a little bit embarassing when dad walkes around in the house showing everyone what it looks like. Of course it was my friends idea, but still...lil bit awkward.
We just had cooked cabbage for supper. OMG! That's the best ever. I literaly had like 5 portions..not even kidding. And then, whenever everyone was done I ate the rest of it. Yes, I'm full now!! And Robin is making cupcakes with chokolate inside of them.... Not today!!! Haha I'm so full and I already had cake today. Well, well....
Here are some pictures from today. Tried to upload them earlier (in school), but it didn't work. So here they are!

Yesterdays outfit / new top
Jeans - Pepe Jeans, top - Abercrombie & Fitch

Borrowed boots and shirt from Jess. The black jeans are from Sweden. I like this outfit and I need to go shoeshopping SOON!!!!
A nice day!

Jess's outfit again. Jeans and shirt from Hollister, shoes - I don't know

It was a nice day today. Not too cold outside. They have a lot of aircondition in the school though, so it is always cold.
I'll show you pictures from inside the house soon by the way. I took them today, but I don't think I'll have time to upload them today.
Fridays outfit
I know I've been off again, but the internet has some problems. I really hope this post will work.
This weekend Luke and Justin is here. We'll spend all our time with them, Candice and Caleb, and of course our family.
Here is two pictures of the outfit I wore Friday. Hugs!



Jeans from Pepe Jeans, tanktop from Forever 21 and jacket from Victoria Secret (says love pink with big letters on the back)
Yesterdays outfit

Jeans - From Sweden, Red sweater - Victoria Secret, White top - Forever 21
Todays outfit

Jeans - Cheap Monday, shirts - MQ, belt - Greece
Dagens outfit

Jeans - Tiger of Sweden, shirt - Jessicas (and I don't know from where)

I promised you an outfit picture. I'll try to start taking thoes again. My black jeans are from Sweden (Dr. Denim) and the shirt is Jessicas (from Victoria Secret).
Tried to make a "today I'm wearing this/outfit" but it didn't went to good. I give you the two pictures anyway. It's nothing special, just my jeans (Pepe Jeans), a black tank top (Forever21), a belt (Greece) and a black shirt with zipper (Juicy Couture).

Dagens outfit

Shorts och skjorta - Zara, skärp - Rhodos, halsband - Raglady (fick jag igår av min underbaraste Julia)
En outfit från dagarna i Spanien

Shorts från Zara och topp från USA, örhängen från Accessorize
Outfit i Ronda 2/8

Godmorgon bloggen!

Sitter och käkar frukost och hinner bara med ett snabbt inlägg för vi ska hinna med lite saker innan vi går ner till stranden. Och när jag ligger på stranden är det ända jag tänker på USA. Det är sjukt, snart, snart, snart är jag där och ska stanna ett år. Det väcker både glada och lite nervösa tankar, men mest glada. Jag har inte hunnit bli nervös än och jag tror inte jag blir det förrän jag har hämtat bagaget på sista flygplatsen i USA och ska passera utgången med medvetande om att min nya familj står där och väntar med en lapp där mitt namn är nedskrivet.
Nu vet ni lite hur jag känner och självklart tänker jag på mycket annat som kan hända under året. Åh vad spännande!
Med de orden skrivna avslutar jag detta inlägget och bjuder på en dagens outfit bild för några dagar sen (på Gibraltar). Kram! ♥

Dagens outfit 31/7

Topp från H&M och halsband från Turkiet
Outfit 30/7