A really bad blog-weekend
It has been a long weekend. A long and a funny one!! This Friday a guy named Luke came here, and a lot of other people come here to see him. We laughed and just hang out, I don't remember what we really did, but we had fun. We ate chicken dumpling for supper and that was sooo good!
We were up late and then CJ and Justin came 4 in the morning or something. Those 3 guys lives in another state away from here, that's why everyone was excited for them to come. We sat outside on the porch and talked for a while and then we decided to go inside and sleep.
Next day was Saturday. Everyone really wanted to sleep, but Cason came early and I woke up of all that noice. And, Luke came in and woke both me and Klara up. I was not very happy in that moment. This day we took a swim, we talked, ate and took a nap. Then the evening came and we went to a party.
Sunday is church-day. Not the whole day, but from 10 to maybe 12. Usually I go up about 8:20-8:30 because Tracy & Greg wants to leave around 9:15. Today I didn't even hear my bell until 08:50, which is 20 minutes after the alarm turned on. I didn't hear it! Usually I wake up and hit snooze and then go to bed again. This time I didn't even hear it.
After church we went to Red Lobster which is a wonderful resturant. Their food is perfect and the bread we ate for appetiser was delicious. Mmm, I loved it!
We went home again and you know that I'm living on the countryside with a bunch of rednecks so we did some wierd thing. We made some kind of ramp and they (the boys) rode the bicykle with full speed on it and it leaded right into the pond. Not everyone is a redneck, but some are and that is funny. And some day I want to dress like a cowgirl. That would be so cool, with the jeans-shorts, the shirt, boots, hat, and the straw in my mouth.
As you see have I had a lot of things to do. That made me decide not to blog so much this weekend. "Not so much", not even once I think? So I'm sorry for that, but now when school starts again I'll keep up my work with my blog. Actually, I'll be even better tomorrow because we don't have school. I'm so happy!!!

Here is a picture from the bicykle-thing I tried to decribe
Good night everyone! I'll sleep many, many hours tonight and it will feel so good. This days haven't been much for sleeping...
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funderar på att åka nästa år. Men undrar om det verkligen är värt det? asså är det värt att gå om, va ifrån sin familj och vänner o.s.v.? är det så fantastiskt som alla säger?