Church is like...
Hi everybody!!

Today we've been to church. That was kind of different, but I liked it. Or, the church-part when the pastor is reading things and you listen wasn't very exciting but the singing-part and the eating-part was awesome. I loved to hear everyone singing, it was laud and good. The eating were nice too, of course.
The "reading-part" was a lot different from the Swedish one. The man who was talking in the front were so laud, he screem and walk around in the front. You also keep hearing people from the "public", the ones' who listens saying in the middle of it either "amen", or "yeah" or something like that. Wierd! But, it was okay. I'll not get bored doing this for one year.
Here are some pictures from the last two days. One from the mall yesterday, the one with the bikes from 2 days ago, and the ice-cream from yesterday too.
