Time to get to sleep
I'm really tired. I have to go to sleap, but first I have to brush my teeth. Isn't that very boring?
Can't keep you more updated, havn't got that much to say. But, I like it here. Today both Carson and Carleb came over (Gregs son Carson and Tracys son Carleb). They're both very funny I think. Carson is so cute, like really, really cute. He's only 6 years old I think, and he's got this awesome American accent and I feel quite bad that a 6 years old little boy speaks so good and I don't. It's not often that happens in Sweden! But, I could also be scared if I was better than him at it.
Enough talking about that now. I have to go and brush my teeth. Talk to you tomorrow again.
Postat av: Anonym
Jag har en fråga, men den kanske är lite svår att svara på änsålänge. men jag undrar vad för regler din värdfamilj har för dig? typ tider du måste komma hem och ifall du får sova över hos vänner osv. Som sagt så kan du kanske inte svara på det nu, men du kanske kan komma ihåg frågan tills framtiden :)