To my new readers
Hi again everyone!
I've seen by the statistic function that my blog is more popular now when I'm in USA. And for you guys that are new I want you to know the basics.
I am in the States and will be for one year. My house is in Versailles - Indiana and it is the countryside of USA. I like it here so far, my host-family is the best I could ever wish for. I have been to school once and it seemed nice also. I have wanted to do this for a long time, I think from the first time I heard you could do this kind of thing. Now it's happening, now it's my turn to show America what Sweden is like and how blond and blue-eyed everyone in my homecountry are. Just kidding, but yeah, this year will be my year. My exchange year!
Hope that maked the basics clear for my new readers. I also want to welcome you, and don't hesitate to ask if you have some questions.