I'll give it a try
Jess has a ballgame right now and I decided not to go. First of all, I'm not feeling very good. My throat is hurting, my ears are kind of aking and I'm so snotty. It sucks to have to get promition to go and blow your nose about 2 times every period. The teachers doesn't like it, and I even got "no" for an answer today. So yea, I had to let the snot either come out or I had to take it back it. Yes, descusting!! But that's what happens if you're not allowed to go to the bathroom.
This is what I see in front of me right now
Anyway, what I'll do now is to get History a chance. I have all those questions, and if it doesn't take too much time, I'll actually go in for it and try. Otherwise, I'll just hope for the best.

Postat av: Gustav
Hoppas du blir frisk snart. Jag vaknade just. Klockan är 3 på natten och vi har strömavbrott. Larmet piper till en gång i minuten så det är lite svårt att sova. Schysst telefon på bilden, är det en Tokia?
Postat av: Jennie
Knäppt det där med tillåtelse att gå på toa!