Is it worth the work?
I'm in school right now, soo tired. And today I got my first B (B+). I didn't know we had a quiz so I probably failed it. I didn't get any of them right I think. So I have a B+ in the class now. I'm talking about History of course. I talked to the techer though, and she told me, that was supposed to be my grade for this 9 weeks (midterms). So the other 9 weeks I've got A's in all the classes. But, I'm awesome, so now we have some more work to do. I think we would have it eventhough I didn't say anything about it. But if I get all of them right, it will bring my grade up to an A. So, what do you say mom and dad.. should I care, or should I get one B+ in the class and the rest A's? Is it worth the work? It's 77 questions that I'll have to do. But if I do them, and study them I'll also know everything for our final exames.
There's 3 different parts to get a grade from. There is the first "semester"/9 weeks where I got an A. There's the other one, where I can get and A or B+, and then it is the final exame. These goes together for a final grade. Do you get it?
There's 3 different parts to get a grade from. There is the first "semester"/9 weeks where I got an A. There's the other one, where I can get and A or B+, and then it is the final exame. These goes together for a final grade. Do you get it?
Postat av: Gustav
Linnéa, du bestämmer om du vill plugga för att få alla A. Jag kan tycka att om det handlar om 70 frågor så kanske du skall lägga ner lite jobb. Du lär dig fort och kan kanske lösa det på en timme eller så. Men du bestämmer!! Detta är DITT år. Kram
Postat av: Jennie
Vad ska du med betygen till sen då? Visst är det sjukt grymt att få alla A och jag antar att jag oxå hade velat ha det om jag var i din sits....
Men samtidigt så spelar det väl ingen roll alls? Eller ska dem räknas in i ditt gymnasiebetyg eller kan du på något sätt använda dem om du skulle vilja söka till college senare?
Lev livet och njut, snart är du redan halvvägs!