I can't believe it
I'm sorry everyone in Sweden, but I acctually wore jeans like this. Yes, not skinny jeans, jeans from like 3rd grade. Everyone wears it here, except for me. I tell them about Sweden and they can't believe it. They can't understand how we "dress up" for school either. Here, people are walking in sweatpants and a hoodie 4/5 days a week. Okay, maybe not, but you see like more than 30 people with it every day.

Postat av: Gustav
Hej Linnéa,
Mamma är nog bäst på köttbullar, men jag är EXPERT på chokladbollar:
100 g smör eller margarin
1 dl socker
3 dl havregryn
2 msk kakao
2 tsk vaniljsocker (receptet säger 1 tsk, men 2 är bättre)
2 msk kaffe
Rulla små bollar och rulla i kokosflingor