Last day of October
American candie and sweets are soooo good. I've ate suggar since I came here and I'm still not sick of it. It's not good for you, but I'm telling you this, it's awesome. Oatmeal cream pie is probably my favorite so far. Or poptarts, or cheesecake, or cookies and cream, or blablalbal.. I can talk forever about it.
Today I've got some homework to go, believe it or not. I'm not looking forward to it at all! And I retook my picture in school too today, and it got worse.
Well well, I don't have a lot of things to tell you guys. I probably have, things might be confusing for you or maybe I think I've told you about a lot of things that I havn't. I probably forget a lot. Or, I know I do, my memorie is worse than I thought which is a really bad thing. I feel like I'm 60+, haha. Not really, but kind of.
Anyway, I had a great day, but as I menationed earlier, it's time for some homework now. Y'all have a great evening. Love from the States!!! ♥
Three pictures of me and my ex. hostbrother. This is like a normal day with us... always fighting. He was the worst ever.... kidding. Caleb is a great guy!
