11 questions
I got some questions and I'll take this post to answer all of the ones I got so far.
- Do you think your english is getting better?
Well, it might be a bit better. I've learned some new words and stuff, a lot of slang and my capactity of understanding this redneck-accent is definitely better.
- Have you stated to dream in english yet?
I don't know, because I havn't dreamt since I left.
- How is the weather now? Getting colder yet?
What a Swedish question. But yeah, it's colder already. You can still be outside with just a t-shirt if you'd like to though. I really don't want it to be colder than that!
- Do you have lot's of contacts with your Swedish friends or have everyone forgot about you now?
I wouldn't call is lots of, cause it's not everyday. Or, I talk with someone (on facebook/skype) from home everyday. But it's rare the it is same person two days in a row.
- Do you get a lot of questions about Sweden from your US friends?
Of course I do! Some more stupid than the others. Just kidding, but some of the questions are really funny. "Do you have a Santa Claus?", "Do you have phones over there?", they asked Klara "Do you have like an Austrian Lil Wayne?". Can't think of more right now, but I laugh so hard to some of the questions that I get.
- Do you miss Swedish candy, like Marabou/4GOTT?
No, not really. I have some candy left, and the candy over here is really good. There are a lot of new things to try, but I have to take it a bit easy. My jeans are tighter than ever before...
- What about the trip to New York?
Yes, that's right. I'm going to New York around spring. The payment is in either January or February so more information about that is comming later (in a couple of months). I'm also going on a Senior-trip, but we haven't been informed about that yet. I'll tell you when something is settled.
- Why do you sleep so little?
What kind of question is this? The time goes by so fast in the evenings and while I am enjoying my life I don't really feel like sleeping even though I know that the next morning will be terrible. Guess that is kind of why. And in the weekends I'm up late too, because I'm haveing a good time. I always slept and relaxed every Sunday back home, but I can't do that here because of church.
- Do you hate or like the carzy American rules?
This is a difficult question to answer, because at first, I don't know all of them. Second of all, I'm so used to the Swedish way of living, which sometimes make me negative to the American way of it. I guess they have their reasons to theirs, and we to ours. But the one rule that I find most difficult is the relationship between a man and a woman. I'm talking about the friend-relationsship. I have a lot of boyfriends (friendships) back home and they are at my house alone with me, and I'm at theirs. It doesn't work like that over here. If you are very close to a boy, like you can be to a girl, friendswise, then people starts to make rumors and they'll see you as a couple. I'm not telling you that it's always like that, because I don't know. But it seems like, so far.
- Tell us more about church. Quite nice, or??
Church is a place where people come together and are friendly to eachother. Everyone cares about you, wants to help you and are openminded. This is three very good human qualitys according to me. I like the positive spirit and all that part, but I'm usually very tired. When the bell rings around 8-8:30 Sunday-morning I'm not very glad to get out of my lovely bed. I'm trying to be positive, but at least one time during the prayers or speaking I'm about to sleep. The church is loud and I'm looking forward to take my family there. I wonder what their reaction will be like. I know that they'll love the people, but I think they'll find it different, as I did because my family doesn't go to church back home. Even if we did it would be so much different from the church here. The pastor is really getting in to his subject or speak, he can scream, and so can people from the audience do, during the speach.
- Are you popular over there? Any dates yet?
A lot of boys finds it interesting with new cultures and Sweden has a great record. "All the girls in Sweden are so pretty". Everyone wants to talk to the exchange students, or the "foreigners". So I guess we are quite popular. You just have to say "yes" to everything and talk a lot. And I was at my first date this weekend. It was a good one. We went out eating (Italian) and then we were supposed to go to the movies. But we didn't, which I thought was great. I had been shopping all day and I have a tendency to fall asleep during movies. We bought milkshakes instead and took a walk down the river. Cozy, and better according to me, because then you can actually talk and get to know the person. My date was with Caleb, Tracys son. I've been asked for more dates, but I'm not sure about them yet. We'll see! I'll keep you updated.
That was all questions for this time. Hope you didn't get to bored while reading them. And hope you got the answer you wanted. Now it's time for me to but all my new clothes in the closet. I might take pictures at them to, otherwise I'll do that another day when I'm wearing them.