Random stuff
I bought an album today and it's gonna be soooo sweet when it's done. It's my senior-album/USA album. I gonna fix every page individually and it will take forever. But in the end, I'm not gonna regret it, and it will be a nice memory to keep all my life. Plus, Robin just made cookies so it's not that bad. Yes, I'm doing it right now. I'm pretty tired of looking at all the pictures from here, and pick the ones I want to print. But, I'll give myself a break here in a bit.

My album so far. I'm gonna put those letters on there (and fix the T in States), and change the front-picture

Jag är så rolig när.. haha okej detta är så torrt, men jag döpte mig själv till bajskorv, så när jag kom och hämtade ut bilderna "what's your name?" "bajskorv", "what??" "yea, b-a-j-s *spelling it*" "alright, found you". *trying not to laugh about the fact that the person reading it has no clue about what it means*
Postat av: Malin Fröström
hahahaaha klockrent!