I'll graduate today
Finally one day when the sun's up. Well, the last day too because I'm leaving today and it's solid gray. Boring!
I'm thinking about either go for a walk, or take my bike and take pictures. I think I'll go with the last one. Yep, sounds like fun!
See ya later! Agh, I gotta pack today..so boring!!!!
r.i.p beautiful Emily
Em, you always made me laugh. Who can I now say mean comments out of love to in the hallways? Who should I now talk about all the Milan guys with? Who can I laugh at in Digital Design? Or, who will make me smile all the time, like you did? Because you did, Emily!!! You're a girl filled with energy and happiness. That's how I'll remember you. You make the world smile.
All my thoughts go to Emily's family. I can't even imagine what they're going through right now...
Please let her rest in peace ♥
Please let her rest in peace ♥
Postat av: Jeanette
Hur mycket kostar Ray Bans i USA?
2012-05-14 @ 19:03:56
Postat av: Paulina
hur mycket kostar en juicy dress i USA?
2012-05-15 @ 17:39:43
Jeanette: Minns inte exakt vad jag betalade, men runt 170 dollar kanske.
Paulina: Tröja ca 110 dollar, sen byxor ytterligare något sånt. Tror du kan få det billigt dock, om du åker till ett bra outlet med rea. Men sån tur hade inte vi...
Got some shopping done
The weather has been awful. We've only been out tanning 2 days I think. Not even that, because both of them days were cloudy too. Shitty! Well, well... More shopping for us!
Here are some pictures from today
My day
Johanna and I before getting in the car on our way to the mall
Johanna and mom at Olive Garden
Me, at Olive Garden
After some shopping... Love Juicy!
Got me a new outfit and some Ray Bans
I think I will survive a week here....
Good times
Just got home from a great supper at Red Lobster. Now it's time for me to eat some dessert, while my Swedish company's asleep. They got so tired, or I guess jet-lagged. We're having a good time, and tomorrow we'll be going to the beach. Hope for better weather than today. Today's was partly cloudy...
See ya guys! I'll try to update every once in a while. I've got unlimited internet here, but not the time, lol. But...I'll try! Now I gotta go before my ice-cream melts down!!!!! MY LIFE'S THE BEST! ;)
On my way
It was sad to leave Versailles this afternoon. I don't even want to think about how it's gonna be when I leave 'for good'. I don't want to, but I want to at the same time.
I'm sure this week will go by fast in Orlando. Exciting to meet my family again. Well, what will suck is to speak Swedish. I wonder if anyone else thinks Swedish is a boring language. I like English better...
When I get back I'll have exames for 3 days, then I'm out of school. Can't wait! It's gonna be awesome! Then I have about a week til a graduate. That's the week when everything has to happen. It's my last week in Versailles. I don't know if I should be sad or happy.. And people keep asking me.
This week is gonna be awesome. Nothing to think about, just chill at the beach and eat good at night. Ice-cream and fruit... and cookies. And pasta, grilled food, salads. I love eating out, or making a good breakfast at the house. We'll stay in a house this time.
That's it for now. See ya guys! Gotta go to the boarding now.
I have so much stuff going on all the time right now, so I will actually stop caring about my blog. There's no way I'll be able to do it all. Everything I've gotta do (almost everything) is fun stuff. I need to pack my stuff (leaving for Orlando Thursday), I need to write a couple of stories, I need to scrapbook, I need to print off pictures for my scrapbook and for my graduation collage. I want to make a movie, I want to take Sarah's senior pictures, I want to be in another photoshoot with Lacy, I wanna go shopping again before I leave (all though the shopping-trip, believe it or not isn't very important to me right now). At the same time as I do all this I wanna hang out with my friends, relax in Orlando and study for final exams and do my assignments in all my classes for a week.
Yea, so now you know what's going on in my life. And for those who wonder, I've only got a month left (where almost 2 weeks will be outside Versailles because of traveling with first mom and Johanna, and then dad).
My mom, me and my aunt Johanna for probably 6 years ago at least
Again, last year
Säg till när du har sett din film!! Vill ta bort den.
A walnut and a broken phone later...
I'll start with the walnut story because it's short. We stood outside a fudge shop, with really good fudge and were about to get some. They asked if I wanted some, but I said no because most of them had nuts in them. But we decided to ask for the ones that didn't. And I got to try them. It was really good, but after eating my half piece I bit down in a nut. We ask again (this was the third time we asked) and he says "yes..they contain walnut". Shit!!! I thought, because I know that walnuts are big, and even dad is allergic to them. And Robin and Bud was further up in the mountains with my pills (she always carries them in her purse). We call them, but they cant do nothing but get down in the lifts (which are slow, you know how skilifts are). Anyway, I give it 5 minutes and I don't feel anything, so I call back again, because I know that at least Bud would probably be in panic haha! Everything was going good though, I never felt anything.
Speaking of calling people. I didn't have my phone, because me, Linnéa, actually lost responsibility and let it get run over by a truck.
We went down by the creek and we decided to get pictures of us sitting in the middle of it at big rocks. But I'm wearing my jeans I didn't want them all wet, so I decided to go and change clothes. I found my shorts in the trunk of the car and was going to swich really fast. This was right my the highway and I didn't want everyone to see my ass so I hurried. I didn't worry more about it and off we went. We got our pictures and then we hit the road again. But I couldn't find my phone. So after looking for it, we decided to go back. And there it was, on the ground, possibly ran over. The back looks smashed kind of. But everything is working, except for the screen. So I can't see anything, but I can talk to people (when they call) and I hear them perfectly, as well as they do me.
Anyway, I got another month and I cant imagine it without a phone. So today at wal mart I asked what to do. They said that they can convert my prepaid months to a new phone (streight-talk AT&T), but that their streight-talk phones was Versizon. So I'll have to get myself over to a walmart with AT&T and try to find a real cheap phone.
It just sucks not having one.
Anyway, that's those stories. And this post is timed. But now you know why I don't either answer your e-mails or texts. I'll try to answer e-mails from my computer though.
See ya guys! Have a good day. We're on our way back home today. And mom and dad!!! I'll e-mail you guys when I get home to Versailles and hopefully we can skype at that time. It'll probably be around 5 pm my time. I can't promise anything though, so if you got plans already, there's no need to cancel them.
Having a blast
I had an awesome day today! We're, as I've mentioned the whole week, in Gatlinburg this weekend. Yesterday we just went out to eat at a place called Dixie Stampede. Only that was an experience, not like a regular supper. The whole think is based on the Civil War and Dolly Parton. South vs. North. There was a horse show and a huge supper. A buffe with 3 dishes (appetizers, main dish and dessert). Started of with a creamy vegetable soup and biscuits, then the maindish which was a piece of pork, a whole chicken, corn on a con, baked potatoe and maybe something more I don't remember. Then the dessert was like a apple crust/pie or whatever it's called. I ate it all and it was awesome! Really enjoyed that. We also went gocarting! It's fun too..
And also, I ate a Wahlnut today... (but I'm ok!! I don't think I'm allergic to nuts no more.. but I won't take that as a fact, I'm just saying...didn't mean to eat it today..I'll tell u the story another day)
Part of the show at the Dixie's place
Today we started the day with biscuits and gravy, soo good. Robin makes the best one. After that we took off for the mountains, time to reach the highest point, the very peak. It was beautiful, and you could see how the clouds just layed on the mountains. It was a nice sight.
After this went to Cherokee to eat and check that out. This is where Indians are suppose to live, even though I never saw any. I told Bud that I've seen Indians before, but he wouldn't belive me until I explained it in details haha.
Then it was time to head back to Gatlinburg. No, I'm lieing now. We stopped at the greek along the way first. This was amazingly beautiful lol. The water was so cold though, but we walked in it. See pictures underneath.
After this we headed back to Gatlinburg. We went to the haunted house and we went up in the mountains again and went sliding. And I got a shirt at a tourist-shop haha.
Now I'm getting tired of riding. I had a really good day though! My hostfamily is AWESOME! And I'm enjoying this trip a lot. I'll show you more pictures at home.
And btw; my phone got ran over by a truck today so it's not working. I'm so sorry, I'm never that irresponsible... I'll tell you the story later. Hopefully I can find another cheap phone, or borrow someones. Sucks that I did this a month before it's time to go back home. Sorry mom and dad!
And also, I ate a Wahlnut today... (but I'm ok!! I don't think I'm allergic to nuts no more.. but I won't take that as a fact, I'm just saying...didn't mean to eat it today..I'll tell u the story another day)
Got in the hot-tub at night
Breakfast (Robin normally cooks breakfast every morning during the weekends)
The crew lol. This is all of us that went together (top row from the left, Tracy, Jess, Haley and I, bottom row, Jeremy, Bud and Robin)
Jess and I
It was cold up at the peak (6600 ft or something high I think)
All my posts are delayed now. I don't write what happens, whenever it happens. Anyway, Bud came home from Florida the other week, and he brought me a shirt. That was cute, so I though I'll have to post that. And speaking of, we're getting ready to go down there too soon. Thursday next week I think! Tomorrow, we're going to Gathlinburg so I'm sure you'll get a lot of pictures again after the weekend. But there won't be any updating during the weekend.
"Snipe" hunting
Okey the funniest thing ever. Last Saturday I went to a bonfire with a bunch of friends, which by the way was a whole lot of fun! We grilled hotdogs and smores, I thought them about the right way to do it, hahhaa, and they showed me another way to eat them. Them we figured that a combination of both would be awesome. When they make smore's they just grill their marshmallow, and then they eat it with chocolate or something. I poke a hole in the marshmallow, stick the piece of chocolate in their and grill 'em together. That makes the chocolate melt. Mmm, sooo good! What they taught me was go smash the marshmallow and chocolate between to gram crackers. That was pretty good to. But honey flavored gramcrackers with homemake vanillia icecream is the best!!!
Enough of that, because I need to tell u about something very funny! It made my night, and everyone elses.
Enough of that, because I need to tell u about something very funny! It made my night, and everyone elses.
So....., someone asked me if I've ever been snipe hunting. I though snipe was just another word I didn't know, so I said "no... what's a snipe?". They pretended to freak out and say; wooooow you've been here for a year but still not been snipe hunting!? We'll do it tonight!!!!!!!!!!
For probably half an hour or more did they make me hunt around for so called snipes. I had a big plastic bag and a stick which according to them should help me get the birds that can't fly into the bag. They said they have very colorful body's, black wings and can't fly. And yea, I believed them.........
I heard noices made from far away and closer all the time. I thought it was the snipes, because obviously they moved. But after some time, I found out it was just some of my friends. Normally, they leave you out in the woods, but they didn't wanna do that to me.
I'm so tired of bloging so I'm sorry I just made this post very boring sounding. It was so much fun in real life... Like I laughed so hard and I have stories to tell but I really don't feel like writing. Sorry guys!