About easter
I know I've been bad this weekend. I'm sorry! But sometimes I just don't feel like update you guys about everything. Especially not when I just realized that I'll be home in less than 2 months. It's so sad!! I don't wanna leave. I really like all my friends here. I don't wanna go back and studdy my ass off. I DON'T want to! It's soo easy here, I can live my life, don't have to think about school and just hang out.
A lot of you have asked about how easter is celebrated here. I can go ahead and tell you about that. Just short, because I don't really know. But Jesus died Friday, and that's the day we don't have school. That's the only day we get off. Other than that, Sunday is celebrated because that's when he resurrected. And that's tomorrow. And tomorrow, me, Robin and Bud (Jess's working) will go to Mardy's and eat a big meal. So I'll probably bring my camera and take some pictures (even though that's kinda awkward) to show you what it looks like. And I might have Jess write something about easter too, idk (=I don't know). It seems to be the same type of celebration that we have.

Promdress & make-up
I just tried my promdress on again, because I went to the mall today and had them do my makeup. So now I know what my make-up is gonna look like. Now I just need to figure out how I wanna wear my hair. I need to get shoes and jewellry too tho. Prom's only 2 weekends away!!
Keeping in contact
Me and Suzanne are hanging out and I'm helping her with skype right now. So we can stay in contact forever! :) haha
I'm about to go on a date here in a couple of minutes. I'm not done at all so I gotta go and put some make-up on and stuff right now.
But for you guys. Here are 2 pictues by Lacy (model, me). She took them, did hair and make-up, and edited them. I'll talk more about the photoshoot another day.
See ya!!!!

Verticle pictures from Florida
My first baseball game
Went to my first baseball game tonight. The ball almost hit me in the head. That's a great experience, isn't it? Well, haha, it was fun! I just kinda asked 500 questions to understand how all the rules go. Now I have to pack a lot of clothes because tomorrow a girl names Lacy will photograph me. I've never met her before, but she graduated from my school 3 years ago and knows my friends. And she said she has seen me around and would love to make a photoshoot with me. I'm in, of course! I love it!
See ya! ♥
Florida part III
Isaac, Jess, Cory and Amos

Taylor and Suz


Taylor, Whitney and Suzanne

Florida part II
Bud and I
Bud and Robin
One night when we ate dinner at the parents house
Almost all of the parents I think
Beautiful sunset
Jessica, Suzanne and Taiylor
Ice-cream night
Taiylor and Suzanne when the traffic was jammed
PCB - Panama City Beach
YOLO hats - You only live once
Suzanne and Jess
Suzanne and Jason
Blake in the background and Kaithlyn and Kasey
Whitney and Kaithlyn
Whitney and Kasey with a shark
Amos and Jessica
Jessica acting model :)
Rhonda playing with the sand
Cory fishing
My hostmom Robin
Isaac and Amos
Hahaha Amos
Florida part I

Our house in Florida (Cape San Blas)

Maria, Taiylor and Jess first day at the beach

Amos puting the volleyball net up

Kasey getting some tanning done

Haha Whitney

Some of the girls (Julia, Whitney, Kaithlyn, Jess, Taylor, Me and Kasey)

Kaithlyn and I

Suzanne, Blake and Taiylor

Some of the parents

Robin, me and Jess

Jess, Suzanne and Blake

Me and my sis !

Whitney, Kasey and Kaithlyn

Standing on our porch/balcony looking out

The beach was right there!

And yes....The trucks are not only in Versailles, but on the beach in Florida...
Our last picture
This is the last picture we took in Panama. We got pretty dark, all of us. This was after clubbing that night, it was so much fun.
I'll put all the pictures on a flashdrive and try to post as many as possible tomorrow in school (which I'm btw not ready to go back to). See ya!
Taiylor, me, Maria, Jess, Suzanne, Taylor and Kaithlynn
I'm home!
Or, home.. I'm in Versailles, my temperary home.
Florida was soooo much fun!!!! I don't wanna leave America now. I got to know everyone so much better and got new best friends. I hate that we didn't make this trip happen earlier, because now I only have about 2 months with my friends left. I just know that it'll be sooooooo hard to leave this place. All the people I've met here. Right now I just wanna paus my life, stay here and don't think about the future. I have a whole lot of inspiration and stuff I want to do. I want to get all my education done at first, and then I want to live my life again. Last year I didn't feel this alive. I needed this break. Last year it was all about school, and this year it has been all about experiencing the difference between parts of our world...and me...and my friends. I love it!!!!! I can't thank everyone that has been involved in this trip enough, of how extremely thankful I am. How special I feel for getting to know everyone and that you've accepted me in such an amazing way. I've always felt welcome and now I'm just not ready to say goodbye.
Lets not talk about that right now. I don't want to think about it!
Back to how Florida was. Amazing! We layed out, swam, shopped, went clubbing and just laughed all the time. That's life to me!!
Here's one picture of me. I'll post a lot of other pictures during next week when I'm in school. So you'll just have to wait haha.
Caught a shark!
Standing on our porch looking out
Nice view
Guess what we saw right outside our house yesterday?? Sharks!!!!!!! Haha, no but dolphins, so grandma and grandpa, dont worry.
"Yolo" - you only live once
Day one
Directly from Florida
The roadtrip was soo long. It took about 13 hours or so, and it sucked. I got some sleep, but after a while my butt fell asleep constantly and it felt like there was no room. Which it pretty much wasn't. I should have took a picture of how filled our jeep was. Mostly with food for our beach-house, and with 3 tall teenagers in the back (me, Jess and Blake). Anyway, we made it!
I'll probably not make a post everyday (made timer-posts though, which took forever), but here are some pictures. I'll take more, try to take as much a possible. I wanna go out again now and spend time with my friends. So see ya! Hopefully the weather is good tomorrow so we can get some tanning done and falling asleep on the beach. Love both!
Maria, Tailor and Jess at the beach (our house is located right on the beach...like literaly, don't even have to walk 50 meter til I'm in the water)
Our house from the front (and me in the main-entry)
Took my bellybutton piercing out (and sorry for making it black n white, and dark, but I'm so white right now)
Grattis på födelsedagen morfar. Jag sitter säkert i bilen påväg till Florida just nu, men tidsinställde detta inlägget innan jag åkte.
100 kramar till dig och hoppas du får en bra dag. Hörde att ni skulle ner till Nääs och fira. Det låter kul! Vi hade ju så trevligt när vi var där. Ha det super! Tänker på dig!

Me the other day when I drove Thoms car. He said he drove a stick and I asked if I could drive it. He didn't believe I could (not a lot of ppl can here, u just have to know how to drive an automatic to get your licence here), but I did and he was suprised.
Yesterday's dinner theatre