Newspaper layout
Right now in Digital Design we are working in InDesign with newpaper layouts. This is my first one. I had to fit 4 articles and the pictures on it right now are mine. I still miss like 4 pictures that I'll get from other people because we had different subjects to take pictures of. Mine was happy, so I did one of a basketball team (when they won sectionals), and one of Jess in her promdress.
Like it?

With guidlines

Zoomed out, with and without guidlines
Like it?

With guidlines

Zoomed out, with and without guidlines
Journalism party
Every time someone has a birthday in our journalism class, someone bakes a cake and we eat it. This is Rachel last time haha.

Me and Allie


Me and Allie


Thom acted photographer
Jess's boyfriend the other day "take more cool this", and he took these pictures. Great, right? Hahaha... We look gay kind of.

Shopping part I
As you know, I went shopping last weekend. I also went shopping yesterday at another mall because I didn't find everything I needed. This is some of the stuff I found last weeked. I'll take a picture of the other clothes that I found yesterday when I get home. The only things I miss now is flipflops, makeup and sunscreen and oil for Florida. Another pair of shorts would be good too, but that has to wait for a little bit.

And there I was
So I googled Angelica Blick to get hair-inspiration. And all the sudden, I see myself there lol. That's funny! That happens sometimes, I guess it's because of my blog.
I'm going to Florida this Friday, and I'll probably not make any posts at all during my stay at a beach-house in warm weather.... So I wondered if you have any questions about USA, or something else. If so, please ask and I'll make my posts and put them on a timer so they pop up here during my week off.

Here is a picture outside the ISU camp/condoes or whatever they're called. Katie & Taiylor at the picture at 8 in the morning haha.
Shopping at Tri county
So, we went shopping today. It was a good time, but I'm very dissapointed in both Victoria Secret and Abercrombie. Abercrombie closed, they moved or something. And Victoria Secret barely had any bikinis in the store. So me and Jess are going to Florence someday this week. Either Tuesday or Wednesday.

I found a lot of stuff at Hollister though, and some at pac sun. Then I bought some underwear too, but that's about it. I really need make-up, bikinis, shorts, sunglasses and flipflips still.
And the collage visit was fun. I enjoyed it!
See ya tomorrow, I need to get a shower now, and then I wanna sleep. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night.

Sidney says hi...just decided that
Update (timer)
Hey guys!

I just wanna say that I'm going shopping today and that I'm positive I had a great night yesterday. This post is a timer post so I can't give you an honest update about how ISU is. This is the second collage I've visited, and you get days off school to visit collages. So I'll probably take advantage of that one of these days. We'll see! I think it would be interesting.
I'll also go to the carrer-center one day after springbreak. Some people from out school goes there after lunch (or the whole day). You can go there for like nursery, hair and beauty, fireman, heavy equipment or something like that. There are more options too. So I'll get to go over there and check it out.
That's it! Now I'll go shop shop shop...haha..

A picture from last summer. Also my timeline on facebook right now. kind of makes me smile lol
Nothing else than perfect
The weather is awesome. It's a little cloudy but also a lot of sun. I've been outside for a little while now, and skyped to some friends from home at the same time. Feels really good, just taking it easy. Tonight I'll go to ISU!!! Yes, she let me so I'm really suuuper happy and excited! It's gonna be a great afternoon and night.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping so you'll probably not hear from me in a while. Like 1-2 days.
Wish I had this outfit for tonight. But mine will probably be light, destroyed jeans with some shirt that I don't know yet. I'll have to get in the shower now. See ya!

Can't wait to wear summer clothes
Next weekend we're going down to Florida! I can't wait!!! It's me, my friends (seniors) and some parents. We're renting a beach house (at St. Joe's) and I can't, can't waaiiiit! It's gonna be soooo much fun!!!! Me and Jess are going shopping tomorrow (Sunday) for new summer clothes, sunglasses, flipflops, bikinis and all of that!! I can't even wait for that.

I think we're leaving for Florida around Friday/Saturday next weekend. I'll bring my videocamera and camera. This is another memory for life! I just know how happy I'll be all the time. I love the sun! It puts me in such an awesome mood.
Two summer outfits

Last dinner with the basketball team
Basketball is over as I've told you. We've had dinners and "goodbye parties" but I guess they couldn't get enough of each other. No, but here are a few pictures from the last time they were together. It was just the other week, and they had a lot of good food, and we kind of just hung out. We signed basketballs too, that the seniors will get here this week I think.

The food team. Barb in the middle, Bud's mom

"Freshmen pose", I guess everyone did this pose when they were freshmen

One normal picture (senior and coach)

And one not so normal... :)
My mask's done
I'll show you one picture of it here really fast before I go to bed. I took some pictures of it (will show you some more at another time) and right after that I glued the beads on with superglue to make them stuck better. I relaxed in the artroom, played some guitar (which I'm by the way doing for 'dinner theatre' a performance), and then I look back at my mask. OH MY!!! It was all freaking solid white around my eyes, on the beads. The superglue dryed white. So now I have to re-do that very boring part. Well, well... Here it is before all that.

Cool picture for a photo shoot

Model: Hana Soukupova
Fall asleep at the gym - check
Yes, believe it or not. I fell asleep. I didn't feel like working out today, so I went back to the backroom to do some situps or back work-outs. I put my head down and fell asleep for a short little bit. Only like a minute, but still. Not okey...
This weekend I'm hoping to go and visit a collage, just for fun. I don't know if I'll be allowed, but I really hope so. Then Sunday I'm going shopping with Jess. Need stuff for Florida!!! I'm soo excited! I need sunglasses, shorts, dresses, flip flips, bikinis and all that stuff. It's gonna be great!

Still trying to find it
I want this dress. I even e-mailed , I love it!

We're making masks

My mask after carving and with the primer. Before painting, that's just the mask.

My mask right now. It's not done. It's missing feathers and eyelashes. I'll show you when I get done.

Me and Kelly


So, the sun's out and it put me in the best possible mood. I love it!!!! I just got home from a little walk with the dogs and now I'm eating Swedish food (knäckebröd). It's awesome... We also have strawberries, and grapes and all those goodies. So I'm just hanging out right here, and I'll have to get a shower here in a little big and then go to sleep. It's just got dark and it's 8 at night (we turned our clocks one hour forward for spring last weekend).

I don't have any pictures right now really, but this is what my prom make-up might look like. I'm not for sure at all yet, I just kind of found this one. There's so much to plan, but I'll let you know all about it when I've decided/need help.
And one more thing, we're making masks in art. I'll take a picture of mine tomorrow, it's pretty cool.

And then I became one...
I live in a hill Billy town, as you probably know by now. The other day I walked over to the garage and this is what I find. A cowboy hat! Me, a cowboy hat and a camera... This is what happens when you're bored and random.

So, these pictures are pretty ugly, but I just wanted to show you one of our dress-up days. I've talked about this before, about how some weeks are dress up weeks. I've told you different examples to, but I can do that again if you forgot. This is black out, which means dress all black. Then we have crazy green and white (out school colors), hawaii team, favorite collage, dress up like your favorite teacher, fake an injury...and so forth.

Great times
Days like this are amazing! I had a great time today with Kelly. Everything from our really confusing cartrip, are visit at hobby lobbys, and the mall shopping was filled with laughter. And the weather is like a perfect summerday. I walked around in shorts and a t-shirt and was still warm. Can't believe that. Have fun in the grey, rainy Sweden.
Talk to you guys tomorrow! Oh and btw, got my report-card today. All A's, and A+ in English.