Dear Mom, this is the car I want. But another color, probably silver or white. Thanks.... lol. No but seriously, I cant wait to get my licens. And sorry for a bad update. I'll be better form tomorrow.
I don't know if I told you or not (I think I did). Last week, or during the weekdays this week I went to Madies house to take some pictures of her six dogs. It was pretty hard because two of them hated the camera. I've never seen anything like that before. They just took off and ran away whenever they saw me holding the camera. So that made it really hard for me to get good pictures. I did anyway, so I'm glad for that. Here's one of the pictures. I haven't had time to look trough them all yet. But I like this one of Sammy a lot. Such an adorable dog!
I really like to have a braid in my hair. I know these pictures are ugly, but this is what I mean. And by the way, today I have curly hair. That was a long time ago. I like streight more, but sometimes you just have to variy.
I'm tired. An hour after supper or so I just layed down in my bed and didn't feel like getting up at all. But after a while I did to take a shower and stuff like that. Now I'm back in my bed again and I'll probably fall asleep here in a little bit. Sounds soooo good. I don't even know why I'm tired, I just haven't slept good lately. I've been sleeping, but not deep. I've been waking up and stuff like that all the time. Annoying! Maybe I don't need sleep?
I went to school and then right after that I went to the gym for a little bit. But then I had to go back to school to take some pictures and interview some coaches. And right after that we went back to Batesville to take pictures of Marties dogs. So cute, and they turned out really good. She'll frame them and hang them up in her new house she's building right now, which by the way's gonna look awesome!!!
And now I have homework to do. I have to write this article. But after that I'm done for another 3 weeks lol. Bye!
This is my promdress. A puffy one, just because prom is probably the only chance to ever get to wear a bigger dress. I found some tighter one's with open backs too, which I love, so before I go home I'll probably buy one of them to and bring them home for another occation.
This wear I'll wear this dress. I'll get extentions so I can have my hair kind of like on the pictures above (but with diamonds on that one side). I'll have other earrings and a necklace. I'll also be way more tann, and have more jewerelly.
I'm so happy! But I have a lot to tell/show you. For example, we had a tornado yesterday.... 4 ppl died just a couple of minutes form here, but we're alright! And I got my promdress!!!!!! And I need to go shopping!!! And I met a guy tonight.. And what else? I had sooooo much fun yesterday!! And my life is freaking perfect right now.. And I'm eating icecream right now, cant get much better!!!!!!
Yes, thought u'd like to know. See ya later!
Dream car, the right one is PERFECTION!!! (Aston Martin)
I'm in school right now, just finished my journal that I'm about to turn in here in a little bit. We have to write a journal in journalism every friday and kind of look back on our week, how everything turned out as far as it comes to goals and self critics and stuff like that.
Enough about school. Tonight, or after school I'm gonna go to wax my eyebrows. After that I'll probably tann, and then get subway. Subway, I love that place too much. I get it all the time, ppl here thinks I'm crazy. But that's alright. And speaking of what's crazy. Of course we get pizza for lunch today. It's too much pizza and fries, and fried stuff here. Guess what? Yesterday they had some new sidedish, and guess what it was... Fried greenbeans or something. And the lunchlady asked me if I wanted to try. And I did, but I couldn't even taste the green beans. It was like dubble the thickness of fried stuff. Mmm yummi!! haha..
And then later tonight is the boys sectional game. Jess'll start working but I might end up going there anyway. I think so. I have some other plans but they're not for sure yet.
Best picture ever. Emily when she's dying laughing :D
So, Robin made this amazing cake at the same time as I had due on a project in Digital Design. Perfect, I thought, because then I could learn how to do it, at the same time as I did my homework. So that's exactly what I did. And whenever we saved the pictures, we had to put them together in InnDesign - a program where a lot of magazines and papers are designed.
We only had like 30 minutes, so I had to do it real fast, but this is my first, own designed webpage ever.
I'm in such a shopping mood. I wanna go now now now!!!! I haven't been in forever it feels like. So this weekend, I'm hoping to find my promdress. I also hope to find a bunch of other stuff, but it's gonna be so expencive. That's the bad part. But it feels like I've been without shopping for like a month... So really, it's bad haha. I love shopping, here!!!! I wanna buy new summerstuff and also some jeans. I've started to like buckle jeans (which is considered EXPENCIVE jeans here.. like really expencive) and they're like $ 100. Imagine to get awesome jeans for that in Sweden.
Well, I gotta go now. Time to sleep here in a little bit.
It's March 1 today, and only about 16 schooldays or something like that left til spring-break. I'm so excited! Everyone is starting to get pumped. Today after school I'm gonna tann. This is the 3rd time in my life I'll tann and I know it's not good. But I don't wanna look like an albino turkey when I lay out in Florda lol. So I'll start going a couple of times a week for like 2 weeks and that will give me a base. Then I'll hopefully get tann in Florida, if the weather is good enough. And after that it's just a few weeks left til prom, which is important to be tann at (for me).
The bell just rung. See ya!!! And we made a mask of my face today. I'll tell you about that later..
Yesterday it rained so bad. It was poring like never before... in Sweden. Anyway, we had a thunderstorm too and in the middle of this it was a tornado practice. It sounded kind of like the cop sound, and everyone went back by the lockers, sitting down. Then the principle talked about how this was important, and that there's a storm warning south of us. He also told us what it sounded like when everything was okey, or when we had to take cover.
In the end of the day it stopped raining, and the weather was warm. Love it!
So, me and Jess got these hats from her grandma for Christmas. And we decided to take some pictures when we wore them and print them off and then give them to her. But you know how it goes...we cant be seirous..
I was tired of my blue, sparkly fake-nails so I did this to them. I hope my face-nails comes of soon though..
I've been in and out today. I woke up and thought "today I don't feel like doing anything.....I just wanna lay in my bed...", but then I actually got up and met up Caleb. We hung out for a lil bit, and then I got back home again.
Last night we went to a bonfire and it was actually kind of fun. The guy having it knew a lot about the government and politicion so I could talk about that with him. He's actually the first one so far I've had a discussion with about it. Other people just say what they think, but he also knew a lot about it. Interesting!
We had chicken and noodles for supper. And yes, even this time I had like 5 bowls of it. And you know what? Robin and Bud were both so overexcited for a cake Robin made, and at first I thought.. well, they're probably overexaturating.. but then I tasted it... and I'll tell you what.. OH MY!!! It was amazing!! The best cake I've ever had and I can't wait to get back home and bake it and have everyone over to taste it. I'm talking about perfection...
This is yesterdays song. I think Kyle was the first one that played it, and I liked it. So it was played several times that night. So was Coldplay. Finally a group that listens to something else than Lil Wayne haha.. :)