Got my hair cut

Haley practiced photography
She's funny, she goes "Mom, look!! I'm really, really good at this!!!". So, here you go, 500 pictures of me lol

Bingo Rimér

Party for Jess

Amos and Jess tried to be serious

Katie and I

And Kim.. :)

Blue extension and a feather
And tomorrow I'm going to get my hair cut, and then I'll go to the homecoming game. They'll also honor senior boys (basketball).

Happy Birthday Movie
The vow
Here's the preview
Pa huvudsida ar det bilder pa semlor (eller var igar) och jag blev sa sugen). Hade varit gott med en semla nu, med gradde och mandelmassa. Mmm, later sa gott faktiskt, speciellt hatten med lite gradde och en massa mandelmassa. Riktigt gott!!!!
My weekend
Then when we woke up Saturday it was time for regionals. Our team lost by 1 point in the 10 last seconds.... What's the odds of that?? They got really upset and that was their last high school basketball game together. They did good and they had a really good season so they have nothing to be achamed of.
We got Monday off from school, for presidents day, so I had a long weekend at Tracy's. It was a lot of fun! I went to Olive Garden with Cody's friend Jarde and we hung out all night at Tracys with Cody and Lydia that decided to stay with me.
That's pretty much it! I dont feel like writing longer about it so I'm just gonna go now. The bell's about to ring anyway. Bye!
Bikinis from VS
I looked through all of Victoria Secret's bikini's at their website. These are my favorites. I like all of them and at least one is gonna be mine before spring break. Which by the way is only 18 days away (schooldays).
Another thing. Guess what I did? I took my belly button out a couple of days ago!!! I dont know if I wanna keep it that way or now. I can't say I miss it, but evey time someone say I should put it in again I kind of want to. It's not a big thing really, but it kind of feels like something that would be cool when you're like 14. What do you think? Should I keep it, or have it out?
And Jessica pointed out something yesterday "you never see Victoria Secret models with one". That's true! I never even thought about that...
Some pictures from this past weekend (after regionals)
My weekend
I had a really good weekend. I'll tell you more about it later. Just making a quick update right now because the bell will ring in 2 minutes. I also have pictures to show you so I'll try to do that last period. Or I might be able to get out of choir today... then I'll do it! But I can't promise anything.
See ya!
After regionals
When I'm bored..

Dress up as your favorite teacher

This is an example of "dress like your favorite teacher". Mrs. H (second to the right) normally dresses exactlly like Taylor (to the right)... So funny!! Taylor's hair is normally almost as long as mine so she did a really good job.
An outfit

This is a normal outfit for me right now. People ask about the dress-codes and dressing. A lot of people in school just wear sweats and hoodies all the time. But I'm not gonna do that, not even one day (if it's not a dress-up day). We have a lot of dress-up days. Some themes can be "P.J day", "Sweats day" (I wore my Juicy outfit here..pants and shirt), "Hawaii-day", "Go crazy" (which means green and white day, that's our school colors), "dress like your favorite teacher", "collage clothes" and more.
Presents for being an athlet

This is what you get for being a senior, great athlet/basketball player as Jess is. She is really good, and this is a picture from senior night, when the seniors got honered. This weekend they'll play regionals at Paoli. We're going there today after school (after we go out to eat) and we'll stay up there until tomorrow when they play their game. If they win, we'll stay for the second game and come home late Saturday night, if they loose we'll be back in Versailles in the afternoon. Either way, I'll go streight to Tracys house and stay there for the weekend.
I have made some posts, like one or two that will come up here during Saturday. And then Sunday I'll try to make some posts. I'll bring my computer to Tracy's cause she has open WiFi. But it'll be a busy weekend so I'm not sure that I will update my blog. I'll try.
See ya! ♥
Dress up day

Yesterday was superhero - dress up day. This was my outfit, pretty boring, but some had really good ones..