Art project

Valentines cookies
3rd period we had a party for Valentines day yesterday. This is what it looked like..


Spray tann
I think I told you that I got a spray tann last week or so, but I never really showed you how it turnet out. So here are a couple of pictures of me the day after.
Brown vs Blue vs Green eyes
Me and Austin

This is Emily, our photographer hahahah..

What we do at a basketball game

Best icecream ever
We can get this icecream at lunch, which sucks because it's so good and I have to get it like all the time. This is one of my favorite icecreams ever. I also love "punch glass" and homemade icecream. And like sorbet icecreams.. And that and that and that haha, I don't even have a favorite one. I love icecream!

Hill billy day

Tammy dressed up like crazy

Ryan and Levi


My outfit. I've never wore that long shorts ever before... But the schools dresscode made me. "Dasy Dukes" was what I wanted to wear.. That's hill billy nr.1 right there




My grades

Polar Plunge pictures

South Ripley's plungers

South Ripley

My weekend
Last Friday I went to Walmart in Lawrensburg because I needed more minutes for my phone. After that we went out to eat. The weather was bad and the roads were getting slick so I was home a little bit earlier than my curfue.
Last Saturday...gah this is hard. I don't even remember what I did all weekend. Oh, just kidding. I went to the polar plunge to see the plungers plunge haha. There were over 100 people jumping into the freezing water. This is for raising money for "Special Olympics" summer and winter sports. You had to raise $75 to participate. And I'll tell you that only standing there made my legs and fingers num. And I wore a lot of clothes. This scarfs, gloves, Uggs, like 3-4 shirts, a coat but yes, only one pair of jeans.
When we got back home I fell asleep. I slept until almost 6 and when I woke up we had people over for supper. So I had some of that, and a good dessert. Peach something. Not peachpie, but something else and it was really good. Then everyone went to the game. Jess and the team was playing sectional and won. So next weekend we'll go somewhere (I don't know anything it seems like...keep using something, somewhere and so forth haha). Anyway, where we'll stay the night at a hotel and then the next day see her play. For some reason, we're not allowed to have signs. So I'll probably buy a shirt and spray colors or something and make a cheer shirt that I can wear. This is a regional game so it's pretty big!!
After the game, we went out to eat wings. That was sooo good! I really liked that and I when my family was here, I should have took them there because I know my Dad and my brother would have loved that. Mom to, but especialy my brother...
After that, a lot of people went to Katies house to stay the night. That was sooo much fun! But I didn't go to bed until like late. I dont even know, but it would probably be concidered morning.
Next morning we went back home and both me and Jess crashed right away. We slept until 2-3 in the afternoon and then we had a lazy day. Or, she went out to get some sectional t-shirts, and I went out with Levi and his friends for a while.
And today it's Monday and here I am. Hope this post made up for what I missed this weekend. It's a lot of text, but pictures will be published during this week. Some of them later today.
Gotta go, the bell's about to ring!
Last Saturday...gah this is hard. I don't even remember what I did all weekend. Oh, just kidding. I went to the polar plunge to see the plungers plunge haha. There were over 100 people jumping into the freezing water. This is for raising money for "Special Olympics" summer and winter sports. You had to raise $75 to participate. And I'll tell you that only standing there made my legs and fingers num. And I wore a lot of clothes. This scarfs, gloves, Uggs, like 3-4 shirts, a coat but yes, only one pair of jeans.
When we got back home I fell asleep. I slept until almost 6 and when I woke up we had people over for supper. So I had some of that, and a good dessert. Peach something. Not peachpie, but something else and it was really good. Then everyone went to the game. Jess and the team was playing sectional and won. So next weekend we'll go somewhere (I don't know anything it seems like...keep using something, somewhere and so forth haha). Anyway, where we'll stay the night at a hotel and then the next day see her play. For some reason, we're not allowed to have signs. So I'll probably buy a shirt and spray colors or something and make a cheer shirt that I can wear. This is a regional game so it's pretty big!!
After the game, we went out to eat wings. That was sooo good! I really liked that and I when my family was here, I should have took them there because I know my Dad and my brother would have loved that. Mom to, but especialy my brother...
After that, a lot of people went to Katies house to stay the night. That was sooo much fun! But I didn't go to bed until like late. I dont even know, but it would probably be concidered morning.
Next morning we went back home and both me and Jess crashed right away. We slept until 2-3 in the afternoon and then we had a lazy day. Or, she went out to get some sectional t-shirts, and I went out with Levi and his friends for a while.
And today it's Monday and here I am. Hope this post made up for what I missed this weekend. It's a lot of text, but pictures will be published during this week. Some of them later today.
Gotta go, the bell's about to ring!
No internet
Sorry, I didn't have any internet this weekend so I couldn't keep you updated. I'll try to make some posts during school today, and tell you about my weekend.
Digital Design
Had an asignment the other day where we were supposed to take pictures for different categories. For movement, unity, reputition, high contrast, monocromatic and emphasis.
Here are my final 6 pictures

High Contrast





Here are my final 6 pictures

High Contrast





I really miss all the apple devices. I'm on an iPad right now, and I will, no doubt bring one back home with me. I also need an iPhone again. Didn't realize how good they were until I had to give mine away (didn't work). Anyway, today is hill billy day, everyone is dressed like hillbillys. Some people don't have to dress up tho. Woopwoop, living in the cornfields.... Haaha
A few pictures of me and Whitney

Starting a new artproject

This is my next art project. I'm gonna trace him out on a weird material that is one inch thick. I'mm show you when I get done. Hope I can make him look as hot as he is in this pic.
Wearing a skirt today

Working with metal

Another artwork. We got a flat piece of metal and I chose to make a can of coke. It's a fast process and this is what it turned out to look like. The outlook was supposed to be "aged", which is why I did the colors that way.
My man

So sexy. I want my man to look like this.
Just got home
I went to Kentucky today after school with Danielle and Whitney. We tanned and then ate Chinese. I ate way to much, so full right now. I've been eating like a cow this past week so next week I have to get back to "normal" again. Spring break is up soon and I want to get a little more tone.

Whitney on the way to Kentucky