Random pics
Kasey and Jess's halloween costumes. Ninja turtles

P.J day in school (pjamas)

Everyone knows that I love turkey, so this was my last dinner before I moved
Alex is giving blood. This is something you can do in school every year I think. I didn't though, cause I'm from Sweden. I heard that you have to be from America. I'd like to do it in Sweden. I think that if you can help someone, you should.
The famous hot dogs. We got them in school.. normally they have so much more cheese. They're not good at all
I got pizza, as a reward. I have all A's in school. A is the best you can get, haha. To all Swedish people, you can't even imagine how much easier high school is here.
Lindsay and Taylor the other day.
Last day of October
American candie and sweets are soooo good. I've ate suggar since I came here and I'm still not sick of it. It's not good for you, but I'm telling you this, it's awesome. Oatmeal cream pie is probably my favorite so far. Or poptarts, or cheesecake, or cookies and cream, or blablalbal.. I can talk forever about it.
Today I've got some homework to go, believe it or not. I'm not looking forward to it at all! And I retook my picture in school too today, and it got worse.
Well well, I don't have a lot of things to tell you guys. I probably have, things might be confusing for you or maybe I think I've told you about a lot of things that I havn't. I probably forget a lot. Or, I know I do, my memorie is worse than I thought which is a really bad thing. I feel like I'm 60+, haha. Not really, but kind of.
Anyway, I had a great day, but as I menationed earlier, it's time for some homework now. Y'all have a great evening. Love from the States!!! ♥
Three pictures of me and my ex. hostbrother. This is like a normal day with us... always fighting. He was the worst ever.... kidding. Caleb is a great guy!
Go Raiders!!!!
I can't believe it
I'm sorry everyone in Sweden, but I acctually wore jeans like this. Yes, not skinny jeans, jeans from like 3rd grade. Everyone wears it here, except for me. I tell them about Sweden and they can't believe it. They can't understand how we "dress up" for school either. Here, people are walking in sweatpants and a hoodie 4/5 days a week. Okay, maybe not, but you see like more than 30 people with it every day.
My weekend was awesome!
I had an awesome weekend! I'm so happy in my new family. Last weekend was great too, but this might have been even better.
This Friday I hung out with Alyssa and Tory. I stayed the night there and we had a lot of fun. I laughed so much and I did some things that I've never done before.
Yesterday (Saturday), I stayed at Katies house. Gaaaah, that girl is awesome!! She had a lot of people staying the night and we had so much fun. Sooooo much fun!!! That was an awesome evening and next morning. Today we ate breakfast at some resturant and I got bisquits and gravy. Mmmm, that is so goood! Mom and dad, I have to show you that. I have to make Robin make it, cause she makes the best gravy actually. And mom, can you send recepies of kokosbollar and köttbullar??
I'm just so happy here! I'm living my dream and everyday is sooo goood. I don't wanna go back to Sweden and study my ass off again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some pictures of me, Tory and Alyssa from this weekend. I didn't bring my camera to Katies place.
Me, Tory and Alyssa
Me and Alyssa. She did my braid, love it!
Choir performance
Yesterday we had choir performance in a church here in Versailles. Yes, I am in choir believe it or not. I had to choose between French, Spanich and choir, so the choice was easy.
I cutted my hair yesterday to. It's so much cheeper here in the States, even cutting hair.
Here is some pictures from choir. And grandpa (Stig), I have a surprice for you later today. I was supposed to put it on my blog earlier, but I didn't get the intenet to work.

Me and my choir teacher (Mrs. H)

Me, Norah, Klara and Katie

Carson, me, Norah and Klara

Alyssa, me, Noah and Klara
Todays plans
Hey again!
I'm having journalism right now and I'm doing nothing. This week is as I said a dress-up week. There's a dress-code for everyday. Today is red, but not very many people remembered that since we had a day off yesterday. Tomorrow anyway is P.J day, everyone will go dressed in their pjamas. I'll bring my camera and if a lot of people get in to it, I'll take pictures and show you what it looks like.
Today after school a photographer is comming to our house, so we'll be photographed. And in the evening Jess's having volleyboll.
Well, I gotta go now. Have a good day! ♥
Shopping in Indy
Klara and I went shopping in Indianapolis (the capital of Indiana) the other day. We went to Circle Center mall in the heart of downtown and it was huge!
A courthouse along the way. Look at the tree growing from the top of it.
On the way to Indianapolis
Me in the shopping-cente. It had 4 floors, but only two of them were filled with stores
Cinnamon something
I tried on a cool shirt...
...but the backside of it was even cooler
Dairy queen
Långt svar till en fråga om kulturskillnad
Anonym fråga: Man har ju fått uppfattningen av att ungdomar i USA inte har sex (pga stränga föräldrar eller kultur, vad vet jag?) Hur kommer det sig då att många blir tonårs-mammor tror du? eller har jag helt enkelt fått helt fel uppfattning?
Älskar din blogg!
Svar: Först av allt, tack. Roligt att du gillar den! Många anonyma kommentarer (av de få kommentarer jag får), skulle va kul att veta vilka som kommenterar.
Förhållande mellan en kille och en tjej här är väldigt annorlunda och strikt i jämförelse med hemma. Persoligen gillar jag läget hemma väldigt mycket bättre. Saken är den att det beror helt på vem man är med. Jag tror det har mycket att göra med religionen här i USA. De flesta är kristna och gamla traditioner håller i sig. Stängda dörrar och att umgås bara en tjej och kille är sällan tillåtet.
Jag frågade senast i förrgår om jag kunde sova över hos en kille (min fd. värdbror) och min nya värdmamma sa nej. Jag berättade för henne att detta är vanligt i Sverige, men hon var fortfarande tveksam. Hon sa aldrig nej, men hon skrev att hon hellre ser mig göra något annat. Jag respekterar självklart det, men jag kan inte sticka under stol med att jag hellre hade frågat mina föräldrar och fått ett jag. Ändå anser jag mina föräldrar ganska strikta. De har dock blivit bättre nu på senare tid, men i början (dvs, när jag började gå ut på kvällarna, sova borta osv) så var det faktiskt riktigt jobbigt ibland.
Jag tror därför att det både är kultur och föräldrarna. De gamla traditionerna sitter i föräldrarna, samtidigt som kristendomen är en del av kultur och gamla vanor håller väl delvis på att vidgas, men fortfarande så anser man inte att en tjej och en kille ska umgås utom synhåll. Dock är dejter vanligen okej. Min förra värdmamma ville dock känna personerna jag gick på dejt på (därför jag bara gick på en hos henne), här har jag inte frågat än.
Sen är det ju undantagen. Det finns föräldrar som inte bryr sig och vissa blir så kallade "man-whores". Jag vet inte riktigt detaljerna på det. Men sen är det också väldigt mycket förhållande fram och tillbaka. I stället för "one night stands" så är det "korta förhållande". Dejting är vanligt och det finns så många sjuka uttryck. "Talking" = på G, dvs nästan ihop. "Dating" = tillsammans, man är ett par. "Going on dates" = inte ett par än. Jag kan inte tänka på nått annat nu, men jag menar, "talking" uppfattade jag som att man snackar liksom. Bra kompisar... Men icke det!
Korta förhållanden, ja, det är det verkligen. Mycket, ååååå vad jag älskar dig, du är den ända för mig osv. En vecka senare är det någon ny. Kanske är det där det händer, tjejen blir gravid och killen lämnar henne. Jag vet inte. För det känns som att det är många barn där inte mamman och pappa är tillsammans längre. Jag har hört om det mer än vad jag har hört om föräldrar som är lyckliga tillsammans.
Okej, det blev väldigt långt nu, och nu somnar jag nästa. Jag tidsinställde detta för jag hade precis gjort två inlägg. Men vi hörs idag igen, när jag vaknar haha. Kram på er! Ha en fin dag och eftermiddag Sverige, detta ska poppa upp runt 12 på dagen för er.
I had so much fun yesterday. I stayed the night at Tracys house and Caleb and Cody was there. They're two cool guys actually. Haha!
Tonight Amos and his family was invited here for supper. He's a funny guy too! We rode the four-wheeler, danced and just hung out. A blast!
Here are three some pictures from tonight.
Me, Amos and Jess
We tried some dance-game on Nintendo Wii
Pink-day in school
Last day of school before spring-break (Friday and this Monday) we had a pink-day to show our support to breast cancer. Next week is a dress-code week so to speak. Everyday has a dress-code. I'll try to take pictures of everyday, and I'm actually looking forward to it. Nothing like in Sweden! It's so much about school-spirit and trying to make the school to be fun here, comparing to in Sweden. That's a good thing!
Jess, Kaitlyn, Kasey and I
Again, plus Klara
The military (navy on the picture) visited school. This picture is for you dad
I tried on the fireman suit
Some guys from school are filling out the paper for a competition in school. You could win an iPod or iPad (of course I didn't win)
The principle and I
Baby shower, last weekend
We went on a babyshower last weekend. It was my first ever and the mom is the same age as me, born either 94 or 93. This is not very common in Sweden, but here it's at least one on every high school they say, sometimes even more.
The babyshower was fun though, and it was Jessica (the one I live with now) that hosted it.
The presents
The mom
Jess did it so good. Here are some of the girls that came
We had to guess how much toiletpaper was needed to cover the moms belly
I think this was all of the girls that came. We had to leave early for another celebration, so this was the picture we took before we left
Random pics
Here comes a lot of pictures that I havn't had time to show you. Enjoy!
Me and grandma Elaines new puppy
The puppy - Lilly
Rachel and I
Jermara and I
The puppy again. Cutest ever
Jermara, Klara and I
My brothers new best friend, haha. Erik, you'll have to meet Jacob
Tracys sister made me turkey last dinner before I moved. That was awesome, she's so sweet
Svar på 3 frågor
Okej, kör ett inlägg här på svenska igen. Jag har fått lite frågor som jag har varit lat med att svara på. Så nu kommer det förmodligen bli ett långt inlägg.
1. Är Klara en utbytesstudent?
2. Killar. Hur går det, har du hittat någon du gillar, gått på några dejter?
3. Betygssystem, hur blir det när du går med 95orna och betygssystemet ändras?
1. Ja, hon är från Österrike och bodde i samma familj som jag. Hon är lika gammal och går på samma skola och allt sånt. Nu bor hon hos EF's kordinator här i Versailles, vilket är ungefär 2 gator ner ifrån mig (inte gångavstånd dock).
2. Killar. Hm, jag har inte hittat någon som jag gillar, inte för att jag letar heller. Jag har bara varit på en dejt hittills, men det kommer bli fler. Inte med samma kille dock. Men det svåra är att mina värdföräldrar är ganska strikta (både mina nya och de förra), så jag kan inte säga ja till alla dejter som jag vill gå på. Sen kan man ju alltid drömma om de snygga killarna inne på Abercrombie & Fitch eller Hollister. Seriöst, jag dööööör!!!!! Men i övrigt har jag inte hittat någon riktig snygging....än?!
3. Okej, denna frågan kommer bli lite krånglig. Men ja, det är rätt att jag får börja skolan där jag slutade, dvs 2:an på gymnasiet. Jag kommer få gå med en årskurs yngre, 95or. De har ett helt nytt betygssystem med betyg från A-F precis som här i USA. Jag har faktiskt alla A här, det är så sjukt lätt. Jag har väl sammanlagt pluggat kanske 2 timmar sen jag började skolan, och det är amerikansk historia. Jag fattar INTE hur folk faktiskt får F (fail). I och för sig har jag väldigt lätta klasser, så som kör, digital design, journalism, algebra 2 och sen givetvis engelska och amerikansk historia. Har också eget arbete sista lektionen, så skönt.
I alla fall, jag vet inte hur det kommer bli med nytt betygssystem. Problemet är att konvertera mina betyg till det nya. Jag låg ofta mellan MVG och VG vilket hade blivit ett B i det nya betygssystemet. VG är nu klassat som ett C vilket får mina betyg att sänkas, i snitt. Så det suger verkligen, men samtidigt, detta året är värt det. Än så länge är det inte heller bestämt hur man löser allt sånt, så vi får se när jag kommer hem igen.
Detta inlägget blev faktiskt inte så långt som jag trodde. Där är i alla fall svaren på frågorna. För övrigt så har jag det jättebra här i min nya familj. Vi har precis ätit frukost, som mamman lagar på helgerna. Idag var det stekt franskt toastbröd med syrap, smör och bacon. Riktigt gott! Min favorit hittills är fortfarande Bisquits and gravy dock. Mmmmmm, så sjukt göttt!!
Ha en fin dag! Nu måste jag börja klä på mig och lite sånt tråkigt. Shoppade jättemycket igår, så sjukt kul. Hittade dock inga skor som jag kom dit för att göra.... (Victoria Secret är favoriten, de måste öppna i Sverige, helt seriöst!!)
I'm there
I made this post yesterday for you. If everything works as I want it to, then we are at the mall now, maybe in Victoria Secret or something like that. Seriousally, that's my favourite store I think.
Anyway, I'm sure we're having an awesome time. Shopping is awesome!!!! Okay, I really don't have anything more to say since I don't know what we are doing or how we're liking it. But yeah, as I said, I'm sure we're having a blast!
Talk to you later. Enjoy your day!
Indianapolis tomorrow
I'm on Klaras computer right now since I dont have mine at the time. We are staying the night here at Tracy and Gregs house because tomorrow we are going to Indianapolis with Greg. That's gonna be awesome and we both are so excited!!!!
Greg is dropping us off at the mall (circle center - Indianapolis for you who're interested) and it's located downtown. We'll leave from here 7 in the morning, because he has to be at work early. So our plans until the mall opens is to take pictures and eat breakfast on Starbucks or something alike. It's gonna be good too!!
So the mall opend at 10 and it takes about one and a half hour to get there from our house.
Well, I've gotta go now. I havn't tried to get the internet to work at Jessicas house yet, but I'll try that some day this weekend. And by the way, we're off Friday (tomorrow) and Monday next week (for fallbreak).
Have a good weekend and I'll talk to you again as soon as I can.
Some pictures from mine and Klaras photoshoot
Svensk forklaring till vad som hander idag
Okej, det ar digital desgin igen och jag har absolut ingenting att gora. Sa jag tankte klargora lite saker. Jag har tankt att beratta detta valdigt lange nu, men jag tyckte inte det var en jattebra ide att skriva det pa engelska, och heller inte pa svenska. Men jag skriver det pa svenska nu, for annars blir det svart att forklara kommande inlagg.
Jag ska flytta idag. Jag har inga problem over huvud taget med mina vardforaldrar, men det ar tyvarr dags att flytta. Min vardmammas pappa gick bort och det ar valdigt ledsamt sa det ar for det battre att vi flyttar. Jag berattar allt i detalj senare, pa grund av olika skal.
Jag ska i alla fall flytta in hos Jessica, den andra blonda tjejen som ni sakerligen har satt pa bilder. Vi kommer ha sa sjukt kul tillsammans. Klara flyttar in hos vardan EF representant har i Versailles. Det som ar sa bra med denna flytten ar att jag inte behover borja om, byta skola och allt sant dar. Det hade varit rattsa jobbigt. Visst, om det hade varit till en storstad hade det varit ballt, men den chansen ar sa liten.
Okej, jag vet inte vart jag slutade nu, eller om detta blev rorigt for jag sitter och snackar med mina kompisar och den forsatter skriva osv. Vet inte om detta klargjorde nagot over huvud taget. Men det viktigaste ar i alla fall att jag flyttar idag. Jag vet inte om jag kommer ha internet (men forhoppningsvis). Jag har INGA problem med min familj, jag gillar dom sa mycket och vi kommer fortsatta traffas massa. Det ar ett maste! Och Klara flyttar in till en annan, alltsa vi skilljs at. Detta har jag heller inga problem med, hon kommer bo tva kvarter ner och jag flyttar in med Jessica som ocksa ar en senior. Hade en bild pa mig och henne for tva inlagg sen. Se har.
Nej nu maste jag dra. Jag har inget mer att skriva. Har ni fragor, kommentera sa ska jag svara. For mig ar allt sjalvklart men det ar det formodligen inte for er.
Journalism again
Hey everyone!
Another day in journalism. I should start writing my stories, but I don't feel inspired at all. This week I'm gonna have a lot of articles and pictures. Or, not a lot, but two. One about Swedish sports (so Erik, if you read this, you'll be in our school papers), and one about Swedish fashion. All boys and girls (my age) that reads my blog, please send me a picture of an outfit. A styled one with jewellry and all that. Boys is more important, because I have less outfits from them. So please, send it on Facebook or on my mail.
Well, gotta go now! Talk to you later.
Photo shoot
Something is wrong with the internet. I really hope this works, because I've been waiting for 2 long. I have a lot to tell you guys, but I have to do that another day. I am too tired everyday now, so I have to get to sleep before 11 today, that's very early for me. The last days I've fell asleep around 11:30-2:00. Not a good habbit.
Me and Klara had a "photo-shoot" yesterday. I just imported the pictures, and I think some of them turned out pretty good. I just need to find time for editing them, and find the best ones. That day is not today though, so here is one of the first pictures we took of me. It's ok, but I know there are better ones.
Now, it's time to sleep! Sweet dreams blogreaders.

This is why
We have no internet back home anymore, so that's why I havn't been able to give you updates.
I am in school right now, having journalism. I found some pictures that I think you'd like to see so I'll post them too.
This weekend, Luke and Justin was here and we had a lot of fun. We hanged out at grandmas, home and we also went to a babyshower. We spent most of the time with our family here this weekend though.
The babyshower was a new experience for me. It's a friend from school who's pregnant. Yeah, from high school, so it's almost like "16 years and pregnant" on MTV. No, not really, but she's a senior here in school (my age).
Well, I have to go now. I'll try to give you another update my last period (2-3 american time/20-21 swedish). If you want to skype with me you have to log on that time. I think I'll be able to, not 100 % yet, but I might. Hopefully!!
Pumpkin Show candidate walkthrough 
Jessica and I (she has my clothes, and I have her's)

Our journalism-class
Sunday, and a lot of plans
I just woke up and today it's time for church. We have a lot of plans today too. First we're going to church, after that it's turkey-dinner at Tracys sisters house. After that me and Klara are going to a baby-shower. Wonder what that is like. It's a girl in our school that is pregnant. After the baby-shower, we are going to Gregs parents house for celebrating their 50 year eneversity. I bet I'll look so much forward to sleep after all that, since I'm already tired.
Okey guys, have to go now. Have a good day! ♥
Me, Jermara and Klara
Pizza in the States
We ordered an "XXL" pizza yesterday. I don't know if it looks very big on the pictures, but when I sat in the backseat (of the car) and had it on my laps, the box touched the frontseat. That's quite big, according to me haha.
Compare it with a hand
Time for a nap
Our cousins from Illinois has been here for a couple of days. I like them very much and from the first time I met them we have had so much fun together. I hope I can stay at their house a couple of days this or next year. Illinois is quite close to Chicago, so if I do, we can go up shopping. That would be so much fun!
I have a lot of pictures to show you. Here is one of me and Jemara. Now it's time for me to take a nap. I didn't get very much sleep last night, and not during the schoolweek either. Goodnight!

Fridays outfit
I know I've been off again, but the internet has some problems. I really hope this post will work.
This weekend Luke and Justin is here. We'll spend all our time with them, Candice and Caleb, and of course our family.
Here is two pictures of the outfit I wore Friday. Hugs!
Digital Design, again
I'm still finished with everything in this class and everyone else (almost) is still working. In 2 weeks, we'll start to work in Photoshop which I'm excited for. I think that will be so much more fun!
I read your comment Julia, and thanks. I'm having a great time but of course I miss you too. You are my gullunge and you know that. I miss everyone, all of my friends in Sweden, but I'm not homesick at all to be honest. I'm doing something all the time here, and when I'm not, I just feel to relax for a bit. We need that too, actually.
Here is a picture. My teacher said that I can explore "Mesh Tool", so I did... for like 1 minute. No, okey, I'll get back to "work" now. Have a nice day and I'll talk to you later again.

I love my family
My dad and brother last winter
Me and daddy last winter
My mom and I
My brother and I this summer
Mommy and I
My brother, haha, he is so cute here.. Looks like a puppy or something
I'm having digital design right now and we are doing another project. I'm already done so right now I really have nothing to do.
This is what we are doing. On the last picture, the limegreen is from marking the same fill color to change the pictures outlook.

When I move from home one day, and if I have enough money, I'll eat really healthy. I feel so good, my hole body does when I do. And the days when you eat sweets feel more special too.
We had to cook our own supper tonight. I made sallad, FRESH corn (not in butter as always here), eggs, ham and turkey. I had a dessert to though, poptarts. But really, I'm excited to more from home. Or, not excited, but I know that when the day comes, I'll enjoy it. Not the big price that comes with it, but the decoration and the choice of furnitures and all that. I like to design and decorate.
Some of my new clothes
Try to smile in the morning
Good morning!
Today is another day of school. I had a lot to do for today, and I didn't do everything so I hope I don't get in too much trouble. I don't think so...
After school I have to talk to my parents, so I'll go home directly after school. I'll take outfit pictures too, and try to give an update of my clothes that I bought two weeks ago. Jenny asked for some close-ups, so Jenny, I haven't forgot you, but I can't promise that you'll get them today.
Have a good day everyone!
Boot country
We went to boot country this weekend. I didn't find any boots, but here is pictures from it.
Jeans from Pepe Jeans, tanktop from Forever 21 and jacket from Victoria Secret (says love pink with big letters on the back)
Kings Island
Me, Zeth and Caleb

Blueberry ice-cream
Pictures from this and last weekend
We went to see some countrysingers
Grandma and Josh
Where the funeral took place
It was a sad time, but we can get through it together. It was so beautiful and the white dove we released sat there 2 days after the funeral too. That has to be a sign of something...
This is what the dessert-table can look like when we have a dinnerday at church
A hole truck with flowers
Kasey, me and Jessica the same day as the countrysinger (first pic)
Jessica at the mall
Jessica and her awesome car
Destiny and Jacob
Rachel and Chelsea
Chelsea and her boyfriend
Me and Caleb
Josh and Amber
Caleb and Cody
About my weekend
Since I havn't blogged for all weekend I have a lot to tell. I had so much fun!
Last Friday I was sick. I was home from school and did nothing but sleep and eat. It was so boring but I guess I needed it. Tracy woke me up a couple of times to check on me, but every time I just fell back to sleep again.
I don't know what I had. It hurted in my head (felt like it was going to explode) and in my ears and eyes. The same evening I got a high fever (I don't know what high is because it was in fahrenheits haha). Anyway, I took some antibiotics and something else and fell asleap. It's wierd to take that, everyone here treats it as it's nothing special if you complare with what we have to do to get one dose of it in Sweden.
The next day was the day of excitment. We were suppose to go to Kings Island, which is kind of the same as Liseberg. I was really excited about this before I got sick, but I still wanted to go. That's a big risk to take though, because after all the roller coster, it might be a lot worse than before.
I decided to go and I don't regret that for a second. It became worse and worse after every roller coster but it was worth it. I had so much fun and we rode some awesome rides. It was also the premiere of the haunted-houses (we would say horror-houses I think). Anyway, i was so scared walking through them, but it was so fun at the same time.
We also rode the drop-zone which is kind of like "uppskjutet", but 300 feet (90 m) instead of 60 or something like that. It feels so good when the thing release from the top and you just drops down real fast. You cant even breath on the way down. That's a good feeling.
Then it was time to go home and that night I went to bed around half past 3. I was lucky though, because I didn't have to go to church the next day. That wouldn't be a good combo, of feeling bad, to less sleep and a full day at Kings Island (=wore out).
The next day, Sunday, Caleb woke be up around 12. After that we went to a cowboot store and Caleb baught some boots. I tried to find some but I didn't. I will keep looking though, cause I have the perfect ones in my head. I doubt I'll find them but I'll try. I don't want them to look like real cowgirl shoes, like exstream ones. I just want them to look like normal boots but you can sense the cowboy design haha. How hard is that to explain in English? I hope you get it.
As you see I had a lot to do this weekend. I actually didn't have the time to update you guys, eventhough I was halfway done with some posts at some times, but then we had to do something. So I tried! I took pictures though, and I'll show you all of them when I come home.
Today I have to do a lot of homeworks and boring stuff like that. But somedays has to be like that when you normally just don't do what you are supposed to. We dont have a hole lot, but we have some. For example, I'm supposed to have read 2 books next Monday. I'm also suppose to finish English Vocab, History Vocab, English assignment and I guess some Math. I have a Math-test today by the way. Wish me luck!
Well, that's all for now. I'll give you the pictures when I come home this afternoon. Have a great afternoon Sweden, and a good day America.
I'm not in school today, because I'm sick. It's wierd, because first we though I had my first headake, but then we realized that it's something else. It's a bad cold or something, because both my eyes and ears hurts too.
We had great plans for tomorrow. We were supposed to go to Kings Island which is like Liseberg in Sweden. It's a lot of roller coasters and rides. There is also a horror house which everyone says is so scary. But if I feel like I do today, I won't go. I hope I'll heal really fast thoguh, cause I WANT TO GO!!!
Have to eat something now, and take some medicine. Have a good day!
Best cook!
Yes, it's time for me to sleep. But before that, I'll give you an update.
People ask me what I eat, and it's hard to say. This (at the pictures) is something I love to eat. A fryed sandwich with a fryed egg and turkey. It's so good. And yoghurt with frozen berries to that is just perfect. A great breakfast or snack after school.
Normally, it's more unhealthy. When I came here I ate sweets all the time. Candy, candy, cookies, candy, cakes, some more cookies... You get it! But that's now how I like to like my life. I feel much better and I have more energy if I don't. So I've found things that I like now, and eventhough I still eat sweets, I eat good food too, and I feel better. It's not like home though, I eat much more fruit and vegetables in Sweden. And for example, corn is always made in butter here and you never just eat boiled potatoes. They're almost always mashed or something. I like it, but the food is a big difference from home.
Okay guys, I really have to get some sleep now. I don't know why I never go to sleep really early. That would be good. And btw, the green & white day tomorrow, I think I'll just go dressed as I always do. This is just because I want to either do nothing, or really do it. Like have everything green and blue and look as goofy as possible. Boring - yes, but rather that than do it half way.
Blue hair and feathers
A lot of people have feathers in their hair here. So yesterday, me and Jessica drove to Lawrenceburg and I got two feathers and one extention (the blue one). What do u think?
Green & white day
Hey everyone!
Right now I'm having journalism which basecly is a writing-class. It's here we are writing the newspaper for school and all that, that you may have seen pictures of on my blog.
Today, I was thinking about going to the volleyball-game after school. but I think I'll go home instead. I need to talk to my parents and some friends today, and I also have to do some assignments. But at the same time, I want to go to the volleyball game. Big problems, right? I don't think we'll go.
Tomorrow is a "green and white" day in school. I don't remember why, I think it was because the soccer-team won sectionals or something like that. But I cant say it for sure. I'm excited though, but I don't have very much green. We'll see what I can find (and yes, you'll get pictures).
Okey, that's it for now. Next period is choir... I'm so not excited. You know the feeling of singing and yawning at the same time, that's how I'll feel next period.
A picture from the funeral. His favourite color was red, that's why I had a red flower in my hair, red nails and red jewellery.
The time goes by so fast
I'm sorry for beeing such a bad blogger. But I'll try my best from tomorrow again. The weekend has been so different, as I explained. And we missed three days of school, and now I'm kind of after. I have math-test and historytest tomorrow. I think I'll do the history but not math, it can wait until Friday.
Anyway, I'll try my best to keep you updated. For example, I got feathers in my hair today. And tomorrow I'm paying for a senior-trip. Mom and dad, have to talk to you about that and about New York. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?
Have a great day/night. Hugs!
Some clothes I bought. Have to show you all of them soon
Yesterdays outfit
Jeans - From Sweden, Red sweater - Victoria Secret, White top - Forever 21
Att uppskatta
Jag har ett stort hjärta. Jag är känslig. Jag bryr mig. Ibland händer saker i livet som förändrar allt. Min värdmammas pappa gick bort i torsdags, fyra dagar sedan. Dessa fyra dagarna har fått mig att tänka väldigt mycket på vad små saker verkligen kan betyda. Tracy är den bästa värdmamman jag kan föreställa mig och jag älskar henne så otroligt mycket. Att se henne helt förstörd gör ont. Dagen jag fick reda på vad som hade hänt kom som en chock. Jag förstod det inte. Ingenting. Tomt. Vad har hänt? Där stod jag, i skolan, med Tracys armar runt min midja och ett hjärta som bultade alldeles för fort. Inte mitt, utan hennes.
Tiden gick och jag förstod fortfarande inte vad som hade hänt. Det var som att jag plötsligt inte förstod vad orden betydde. Vi hoppade in i bilen med riktning mot min värd-mormor, då det var hennes man allt handlade om.
Fortfarande förstod jag inte vad som hade hänt, men när Tracy började prata, då föll tårarna som aldrig förr. "Är detta verkligen sant? Är vi helt säkra? Du vet inte hur nära jag var min pappa!". Min pappa. Jag älskar honom över allt annat. Skulle någonting likvärt det som hände hända honom kommer min värd gå under för en allt för lång tid. Även om det inte handlar om döden, utan om att han skadas. Det gör ont bara jag tänker på det. Jag vågar inte tänka på det, jag vill inte tänka på det. Jag vet att jag inte kommer behöva göra det förrän om länge, men oj vad livet kan ändras snabbt.
Med detta inlägg vill jag egentligen bara säga till alla mina nära där hemma att Ni är fantastiska, guld värda och jag älskar er så mycket. Jag vill speciellt säga de tre orden till farmor, farfar, mormor och morfar. Jag vill att ni ska veta att jag verkligen älskar er och det har jag alltid gjort.
Idag var begravningen för honom. Jag trodde inte att det skulle vara så svårt. Jag trodde att jag var klar med tårar och oregelbunden andning efter torsdagen, men idag kom de igen. När nära och kära höll tal i kyrkan, när pastorn uttalade de allra finaste orden och när tiden var inne att säga hejdå. Hejdå. Hur säger man hejdå för alltid? Är det för alltid eller återförenas man någonstans. Kanske i himlen?
Pearl blev 64 år gammal. Han var en lycklig man som uppskattade naturen och älskade Kentucky. Det var där han spenderade sina sista dagar som en frisk man och ingen kunde ana någonting om det hemska som hände. Han älskade sin fru och han älskade sin familj. Det var något man kunde vara säker på.
Låt honom vila i frid, för alltid. Låt våra tankar gå åt familj och nära vänner. Och jag ber er att berätta för de ni älskar hur mycket hon/han betyder för er en extra gång denna vecka.
Nu är det dags för mig att sova. Godnatt! ♥